Home Forums Dogs Squishy lump on back of leg thigh area

Squishy lump on back of leg thigh area

Published on: November 27, 2023 • By: The shadow · In Forum: Dogs
The shadow
November 27, 2023 at 02:07am
Hi I have a 13 year old desexed male dog staffy X dachshund X border collie Mr shadow, he has developed a squishy lump on back of rear left leg just above joint, doesn't hurt to press it, he has a history of lipomas which have been removed and managed with homeopathic drops and diet, this lump appeared suddenly, like a haematoma fluid filled  sac, doesn't bother him, totally different to his firm lipomas, have him booked in on wed at vets, just wondered if anyone else had this on their dog he is very fit not over weight thankyou
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 27, 2023 at 09:40am
Hello - when you say squishy, can you easily leave a thumb-print?  That may be what's known as odema, where fluid collects under the skin and has a very different set of causes to most lumps. This is still potentially serious and should see a vet.  Other lumps you might describe as squishy include pus-filled cavities (abcesses) although these tend to be painful, or fluid-filled cysts.   On the other hand, a lot of lumps that feel squishy are more solid than you'd think, with a base of cells - fat cells for a lipoma, but benign or even more sinister cancers are possible.  Usually a sample of cells will help the vet to identify it, because its the type of cell, not the look of the lump, thats important.  You've therefore done the right thing in booking that appointment - please do let us know how you get on.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 27, 2023 at 09:42am
(There is also a lymph node in that area, which might also swell and again, your vet would want to sample this).
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