Home Forums Dogs St Bernard Panting

St Bernard Panting

Published on: June 14, 2024 • By: twimom32 · In Forum: Dogs
June 14, 2024 at 12:32pm
My 4 yo 125 lb none nurtured Bernard has been panting for a few weeks steadily. This is the second time this year this has happened. The first time the vets couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I have videos if needed.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 14, 2024 at 01:20pm
Hello - panting usually looks the same whatever's causing it, but it can be sign of pain, overexertion, heat stroke, anxiety, heart and lung problems, thirst or breathlessness.  Any of these things can affect any breed of dog, but St Bernards are prone to certain heart problems and also certain causes of pain, so it's well worth checking out early. Your vet may listen to the heart and lungs as a starting point.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 14, 2024 at 06:00pm
Hello - I have more time now.  Get ready for this: Possible causes of panting in a St. Bernard (no particular order)
  1. Pain - abdominal, leg, back, stomach (e.g. stomach is swollen with air), gut, pancreatic, foot etc
  2. Stress - heat stress
  3. Stress - behavioural stress e.g. left alone, scared of something, lots of people around etc
  4.  Infection e.g. pyometra (females) or viral
  5. Parasites e.g. heartworm / lungworm
  6. Heart disease
  7. lung disease e.g. fluid, inflammation or infection
  8. Anaemia
  9. Excitement or fear
  10. Brchycephalic syndrome (squashed nose)
  11. Bleed into abdomen or thorax compressing lungs
  12. Hernia or other cause of compression in chest
  13. Pyrexia (fever)
  14. Hypothyroidism
  15. Laryngeal collapse
  16. I'm sure that there are many more!
Please do visit your vets so that they can assess this patient as soon as you can.  
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