Home Forums Dogs Strange mass in dog’s throat

Strange mass in dog’s throat

Published on: June 14, 2022 • By: andreahall08 · In Forum: Dogs
June 14, 2022 at 07:45pm
Hello! My dog (7y/o, male, Lab, chronic puker) had a very strange mass bouncing around in his throat yesterday. Some background: - The first picture below, dated July 2021, shows a red lump that I noticed in his throat last year. It was addressed and dismissed by his vet at the time, mostly because they couldn’t get a good look at it. I've caught glimpses of it in the year since - bright red, around the size of a marble. - Yesterday while he was breathing heavily (playing fetch), I noticed the mass bouncing around in his throat. The video I have of it can’t be attached so there’s a screenshot from the video below. The mass looked like a little, tethered ball flailing around his throat as he breathed. - 2 years ago (May 2020) he threw up blood multiple times over the course of ~5 months and after LOTS of testing it was left undiagnosed. We managed it initially with Omeprazole and long-term by soaking his kibble to soften it, giving only soft treats, and exclusively using a harness instead of a collar. I’m wondering if all of these issues could be related or if anyone has experienced anything like this before or has any idea of what it could be. I got another glimpse of this throat this morning and the mass is back to looking like the July 2021 picture. Thanks in advance!   32C537A6-1C4F-457F-B3FE-E840D410424858561C43-0B44-45DC-B1D8-89A23D5588B0
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 14, 2022 at 08:24pm
Hello!  It is difficult to see what we are looking at here.  I think that one way to get a look at this lump would be to use general anaesthetic and to consider biopsy, either with or without endoscopy.  You say that your vet isn't interested in doing this and I wonder why;  perhaps they can already explain this or know what they will find, or perhaps they are concerned about their ability to carry out the procedure safely (I am unable to see the lump in enough detail to judge this) or perhaps they are concerned that the techniques they have available to them aren't good enough to answer the query (in which case they might want to consider referral to an expert).  I think the way to find out would be to book an appointment - just for this issue - and to ask your vet explicitly.  Wishing you and your handsome boy all the best and we would be interested to hear if any more is found out.
June 14, 2022 at 08:58pm
Thank so much for taking the time to respond! I will definitely be getting him checked out but am hoping that someone has seen something like this before and can provide some insight/advice. Much appreciated and I will update once there’s an update to give!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 14, 2022 at 09:13pm
The trouble is, even when we have seen multiple lumps bouncing round in the mouth before (is this attached to the uvela?) we cannot tell you which of several options your dogs' particular lump will be.  It is likely that nor can your vet, until they do a biopsy.  Best of luck and will look fwd to finding out!
July 18, 2022 at 07:01pm
Hi there! I just wanted to give you an update as we have more insight following an endoscopy. The thing in the second picture was a polyp mass that was connected to the left tonsil by a narrow stalk. The red thing in the first picture is his swollen tonsil, likely caused by the polyp. The polyp was easily removed and is being tested for malignancy but visually did not look overly concerning. I really appreciate your time and for having this option available to us worried pet parents! Thank you!!!
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