Home Forums Dogs Suspected Pyometra or UTI ?

Suspected Pyometra or UTI ?

Published on: August 28, 2024 • By: DogMom · In Forum: Dogs
August 28, 2024 at 12:36pm
Good morning, I think.this is my first post so Hi. I have a pair of German Shepherds, Siblings from the same litter. They are 6 years old now. The female was Lap Spayed when she was 26 months old, the male has not been neutered. This year for the first time the male is sniffing her rear end A LOT and licking the floor where she has been sitting or the bed where she has been. I have trimmed her "private" area and see or smell no signs of discharge. Obviously my first thought was infection or Pyometra but she is happy, eating, playing etc. No sign of illness After a quick work out on the calendar she would have come in to season soon. Could this be the cause ? Is he interested in the change of hormone aroma ? I am keeping a very close eye on her in case it is something more sinister , if she starts showing.g any signs of illness she will ne taken straight to the vet of course, but would be interested to know if that could be case Thanks in advance.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 28, 2024 at 02:22pm
Hello - do you know what was taken away during the lap spey (Im assuming you know that it definitely happened - ie this isn't one of those rescue dog that was 'already speyed')?  If your dog doesn't have her womb then pyometra is unlikely - you can interestingly get 'stump pyos', infections of the stump (thats tied off and left behind when the womb is removed).  So pyometra might still be on my differentials (possibilities) list, but wouldn't be at the top of it. You are, however, describing signs that most would associate with a season.  Removing the womb and ovaries doesn't always prevent these signs, because some dogs still have their ovaries after being sterilised and others have hormone-producing tissue elsewhere in the abdomen, for example.  I can't rule out hormone-releasing tumours etc. and I can't rule out floor-licking instincts that are NOT sexual - this can be a symptom of other complaints, for example Addisons. In short, I would reccommend a visit to the vets to see whether further investigations might be useful.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 28, 2024 at 02:25pm
Just realised that I didn't comment on the UTI part of this question - yes, UTI or cystitis (ie non-infectious inflammation of that area) may be a strong possibility.  If you can catch a urine sample in a clean, dry container on the way into the vets, they might very well appreciate it.
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