Home Forums Dogs Swollen leg and paw after dog fight

Swollen leg and paw after dog fight

Published on: June 21, 2024 • By: AnimalLoverEnthusiast · In Forum: Dogs
June 21, 2024 at 02:01am
Two of our family dogs fought about 6 days ago, and my dog specifically was bitten on his front leg and now has a very swollen leg and paw. His leg is about 2 times the original size, while his paw is almost 3 times. Due to the swelling, I believe that it's causing his wound to not heal and to bleed. It seems like his paw is also starting to bleed due to the swelling, and I don't know what to do. Due to a problem, I can't bring my dog to the vet for proper treatment. However, I have been giving my dog antibiotics every day, and I also apply antibiotic ointment to his wounds and apply bandages. Can anybody please give me some knowledge and advice on what I can do to treat him at home?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 21, 2024 at 09:31am
Hello - and I'm sorry that you are having this problem with your dog.  I wonder whether, wherever you are, the level of healthcare we would take for granted may not be available.  For example, I am confused how you are getting antibiotics without proper veterinary treatment - in the uk, antibiotics can only be prescribed by a vet.  This is because different antibiotics are appropriate for specific problems and only transported to specific places in the body.   Giving a 'wrong' antibiotic won't work, even though I am very suspicious that your dog may have an infection from a bite wound. Furthermore, the antibiotic needs to be given for long enough, so can take a few days to help.  Your dog may also need pain releif.  If this is a bite wound deep in the tissues, I wouldn't expect antibiotic ointment to touch it and bandaging is generally not appropriate, although there will be exceptions.  It is therefore very difficult for me to give helpful advice, other than it sounds as though this bite wound may have led to infection and needs veterinary attention.  As a UK vet, I cannot instruct you to give drugs without examining your dog, or without that dog being my patient.  Please will you let me know what happens?
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