Published on: March 29, 2023 • By: kelseykatelyn · In Forum: Dogs
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March 29, 2023 at 10:25pm
My female dog (Lab/Beagle mix, age 3) has a swollen/inflamed nipple and the area around it is red. She is spayed, but I’ve read mastitis could still be a possibility? I’m working on getting her into the vet this week but am worried about her and wanted to get an opinion here and if there’s anything I can do to help ease her discomfort in the meantime. Thank you!!
Hello! There is a very wide range of possibilities for redness of the mammary area, from the superficial - flea or other allergy, mites, ringworm etc - to the deeper, including folluculitis, skin infection and deeper still - things like cancer or systemic viral infection, or perhaps inflammation of the lymphatics. As I understand it, mastitis is improbable in speyed females but there are some uncommon circumstances under which it might occur. Hopefully by now a vet or nurse has triaged the case, in order to figure out the degree of urgency with which she needs to be seen, and offered an appointment.
If fleas are a possibility, you might have flea treatment on prescription from your vet or pharmacist already. However, when she is triaged, it is a good idea to ask again about 'meanwhile' treatments if deemed to be appropriate.