Home Forums Cats There’s a scab above my cats eye

There’s a scab above my cats eye

Published on: January 10, 2022 • By: pwinter · In Forum: Cats
January 10, 2022 at 10:51pm
D8D3CB74-C802-4187-BB97-85E9C82CDD80my cat is about 10 months old. I noticed he had a scab above his eye and I figured he got it from playing with our other cat but now it seems to have spread a little. He’s not acting like it hurts him and he’s not scratching at it. Should I be concerned? 068CD082-9388-4BAE-B48F-5BBA66F3916D12FEB013-A8A8-4A47-B9B2-56886F99264A
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 12, 2022 at 09:51am
Hello!  This is surprisingly common and increasingly investigated.  Sometimes a scrape for demodex mites might prove positive. Demodex is a non-itchy mite that lives in cats' hair follicles, and proliferates at times of stress.  The question would be, if this turned out to be the case, why the mites would have chosen now to proliferate and whether there's anything else going on a bit deeper.  Other causes of alopecia (hair-loss) can include endocrine (hormonal) imbalances.  Don't get me wrong, this isn't the first sign of an emergency or anything like that, but it's worth a trip to the vets for a weigh and to get it checked, because it's sometimes a sign that other, more subtle changes are happening.
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