Home Forums Cats Third eye lid

Third eye lid

Published on: February 02, 2023 • By: yhsliu · In Forum: Cats
February 02, 2023 at 03:51am
This happened to him out of no where on Saturday afternoon, we thought it might be from play fighting with his house mate but that wasn't the case after we brought him to the ER. We went to ER twice. The first time we were prescribed Terramycin and Diclofenac Sodium Solution 0.1% along with an oral medicine Gabapentin. We went back to the ER second time an hour after all the medication was given because he started to twitch. This was when we started to panic. After a few test they said the right ear is infected and may be ruptured. This time we were given 1) TrizEDTA Topical flush 2) Marbofloxacin 3) steroid medication. The vet here said not to mix the eye solution with the steroid medication so we only are giving him eye solution so far Monday morning we were able to squeeze in an appointment for our regular vet to get him checked out. His blood test and eye pressure all are fine (eye pressure same as the day on Saturday when he was checked out in the ER) We are wondering if any has any experience with this and are able to help us out with your experience 69673312176__212C72B9-B211-447D-B587-83346064480E Medium
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 02, 2023 at 04:53pm
Hello- Im afraid that I can't see much of this eye, except that the third eyelid is halfway drawn, and nothing of the ear canal.  I only tell you this to emphasise that your vet is the bigger expert in this case than me, having a lot much information about what might be wrong.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 02, 2023 at 05:23pm
There is something called Horners syndrome where ptsosis, (part drawn eyelid - which you mentioned), miosis (small pupil on that side) and endopthalmus (shrunk back globe) can occur together, but this is rare in cats and I cant see enough - nor is it my role - to look at the size of the pupil or identify whethrr endopthalmus is there or not.   Good questions for your vet include:  what have you ruled out?  What could still be going on? And How would you rule these things in or out?
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 02, 2023 at 05:49pm
I'm afraid that we cannot offer second opinions here - sometimes when clients ask an online vet open ended questions, its because they are worried about something specific and fishing for a response - if so, I would actually ask your vet directly, since they are already dealing with the case.  I wonder, for example, whether the context of this question is, 'Are you happy with this case of should we refer to an expert?' - as a vet, I have never minded anyone asking that question.   You know where we are for help with general queries.
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