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Toys disinfection

Published on: May 16, 2023 • By: lipaz · In Forum: Cats
May 16, 2023 at 07:21am
Hello! Wanted to ask, I tend to disinfect my cat's new toys with Ethanol 70%, the one that is used in veterinary hospitals, for about 3 years, since the covid19 area started.. wanted to know if it puts my cat's health in a risk for thw short and long term.. of course I only let her use the toys after the ethanol evaporates and they are dry.... thanks.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 17, 2023 at 11:16pm
Hello  - I wonder what you feel the advantages of this are?  Cats do, after all, tend to put many weird and wonderful things into their mouths without prior disinfection.  I can understand the sense in cleaning any with solid surfaces (e.g. plastic) in case of allergens or unexpected dusts etc being attached, but this can be done with water and perhaps washing-up liquid.  I have no reason to expect that there would be bacteria found on the surface of toys that wouldn't be found elsewhere in the environment (on other surfaces etc).  However, this is not actually what you asked - you asked whether it would do any harm.  I wonder what material the toys are made of.  Given that the Ethanol evaporates away, then I don't think that the alcohol would remain, but I there may be the potential for cross-reactions between alcohol and certain materials, so I would always stick to the uses listed by the companies who makes such cleaning fluids and ask if I was unsure.
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