Home Forums Cats Tremors in cat with gallbladder issues

Tremors in cat with gallbladder issues

Published on: March 10, 2022 • By: catoncat · In Forum: Cats
March 10, 2022 at 10:17am
Hello My cat fell and hurt his shoulder (not broken) was ordered to rest and meloxicam for fever. On his third and last day of meloxicam I noticed really strong tremors in his body (stomach area)   Cat is male 11 months old Blood test results are below (only the abnormal ones, kidney and everything else was normal)   ALT 235 U/L TBIL 0.7 mg/dl TP 8.9 g/dl GLOB 5.7 g/dl WBC 30.23+ NEU 27.11+ The vet believes it’s a gallbladder infection so he got vitamin B shots, antibiotics and an oral medicine that normalizes and improves liver and gall bladder function. When the tremors are strong if i come anywhere near the stomach area he winces and cannot be touched. Does anyone have an idea what could be the reason for them or is it just a symptom of the gallbladder infection? Thank you
March 10, 2022 at 10:18am
Adding to note that the vet did multiple ultrasounds to check if there was something causing the tremors but didn't find anything. He also tested for FIP which was negative.
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