Home Forums Cats Tubal Ligation in Cats

Tubal Ligation in Cats

Published on: June 28, 2021 • By: EdilbertoGsf · In Forum: Cats
June 28, 2021 at 11:07am
Hi there! Are there any vets who would perform a tubal ligation procedure on my female cat? I would like to say that I am aware about the differences between a normal neutering procedure and the controversial tubal ligation, and I'm not willing to spay my cat in any other way, for ethical reasons. Thank you very much for any reply, have a nice day :D
David Harris
June 29, 2021 at 06:47am
I’d be interested to know what the ethical concerns are. The reason that very few vets will perform this procedure is because of their own ethical concerns. A routine neuter benefits the cat being neutered (as there are reductions in risks to her eg from infectious disease and pyometra). Tubal ligation gives no benefit to the animal being treated, and is thus considered by most to be an unethical procedure because all it does is prevent pregnancy (which, while a benefit to cats as a whole, is of no advantage to the individual cat who must undergo an invasive surgical procedure).
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