Home Forums Cats Urgent !!!!! Question CONVENIA

Urgent !!!!! Question CONVENIA

Published on: January 27, 2022 • By: evecas · In Forum: Cats
January 27, 2022 at 06:16am
On Monday my cat was seen by the vet and administered CONVENIA fast forward to today Wednesday  he’s been throwing up all his meals so we decide to take him to another vet we left the vet papers from Monday at home but told the tech he was given a shot on Monday the only detail I remembered was it being 80 dollars. We had the medication though and asked the front desk if we could leave it so they can call the other office about the type of shot administered. A few hours later we get the call about the price break down and we agree we were told antibiotics were administered when I got the receipt it stated CONVENIA. Meaning he got another dose today. I’m very worried has this ever happened. My cat is very tired right now and only got up to drink water which he spit up a little after. Please what do I do will he be okay !!!???
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 27, 2022 at 09:35am
Hello!  Please note that this service isn't an emergency provision, but hopefully you have by now contacted your vet or their emergency provider and they have run this past the Toxins Poisons Information Service, or checked the data sheet or similar.   All drugs have a maximum dose and a 'toxic' dose but a lot of antibiotics can quite safety be doubled, where as something like insulin being overdosed can kill a pet.   I do not know the specifics for the drug you mention, but obviously it is on board for a substantial length of time - up to three weeks - so this needs to be checked.    
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 27, 2022 at 09:46am
I don't suppose that you need me to explain now how important it is that people seeking second opinions do so by the proper route, telling the second vet in advance and giving the first vet permission to send the second a history in order to avoid these difficulties. Usually, if a vet tries something and it doesn't work, they will have a plan in their head for what to do next and an understanding of the case so far, where as a separate vet will often have to start again from scratch.  As with people, sometimes it does take a few visits - and even a few tests - to get to the bottom of a problem and this can be completely normal. It sounds as though another appointment is merited in any case and it may be an emergency one - please chose a vet, contact them and explain to get instructions. Best of luck from here.
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