Home Forums Cats UTI In Treatment: Everything Normal?

UTI In Treatment: Everything Normal?

Published on: June 17, 2022 • By: StanleysOwnerRose · In Forum: Cats
June 17, 2022 at 06:32am
I took my cat Stanley (3 year old orange tabby) in after observed pain while urinating outside the box. He made uncomfortable meows while urinating outside the box and was brought in the next day, which was now 2 days ago. He is now on antibiotics given orally twice a day but I am now seeing him urinate many times frequently producing small amounts, containing small amounts of blood. Typically I never really catch him using the litter box but as far as I can guess he typically urinates a big amount twice a day or so. I'm not sure exactly how he was urinating just before treatment started other than the one day of painful urination. I'm just wondering if this may seem relatively normal given the ongoing treatment or if this may be something I need to go back to the vet about ASAP.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 17, 2022 at 12:47pm
Hello!   Painful urination sounds like a classic sign of cystitis, which can have a range of causes.  Urine infection in cats is thought to be relatively rare but emotional stress, other kinds of pain, low water intake can all be associated with sterile cystitis.  Sometimes if cystitis is sterile (i.e. not an infection), changes in the home can make a big difference.  The changes that you are seeing sound to be worth talking to the vet about (if your vet already knows the patient, it may be worth asking if there is anything to be gained from a consultation without taking them with you - but taking a urine sample).    Best of luck and please do let us know how you get on.
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