Home Forums Cats Vet used expired vaccine

Vet used expired vaccine

Published on: March 08, 2022 • By: Catlady · In Forum: Cats
March 08, 2022 at 03:11am
Hello, My vet has given kittens an expired vaccine of Nobivac Tricat Trio. Will the vaccine still be effective? Also, is a 7 week gap between initial kitten vaccination doses ok, without having to start the course again. Many Thanks
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 08, 2022 at 07:39am
Hello!   In the UK all medicines have a data sheet - it is a small pamphlet of dense text containing the medical and legal 'rules' for the medication and will outline matters such as this - it is not something your vet has a choice about.  They simply need to follow the rules unless they can argue a good exception.  To my memory, 7 weeks is far too long, but the data sheet will lay it out objectively beyond doubt and is the best - and legally sound - place to look. Expired vaccines might sometimes work to some extent after the use-by date, or sometimes not.   Think about food, which doesn't always become completely inedible once the stroke of midnight of its expiry date has been crossed;  vaccines do not always stop working completely overnight.   However, being past that date (or to that matter, being kept in the wrong conditions) means that the manufacturer is no longer sure beyond reasonable doubt that the vaccine will work - and given that the vaccine is being sold to prevent the animal getting ill, that is absolutely not good enough. Talk to your vet because I don't know the specifics of this kittens situation and do not have a data sheet in front of me, but it sounds as though they probably need to restart this course from the beginning.
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