Hi! Thank you so much for answering. I took her to the vet and she got an injection for nausea. She was sent home with carafate suspension and metronidazole benzoate. Her back issues started after she jumped and possibly pinched a nerve doing so. Back issues have resolved. We didn’t get a definitive diagnosis from the vet. He said it could be colitis or gastro issues. He started her on the medications mentioned above. She hasn’t thrown up since yesterday morning. As far as the diarrhea, she had 2 bouts yesterday afternoon after going to the vet. The diarrhea stopped for 23 hours until about 2 hours ago. She had diarrhea again today at 1:20 pmand 2:20 pm. The first bowel movement looked to still have blood in it. The second one came out brown in color. Both had a little more consistency than it did in previous days. I attached a picture of her bouts of diarrhea
from today. At what point should I start seeing improvements in her?? The vet said to monitor for 72 hours once she started the medication. Yesterday she didn’t eat at all, but drank water. Today, she nibbled on a little bit of food and had little 2-3 bites but hasn’t really eaten.
I’ve never been so worried about her in my life. She been overall healthy. Any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated!
also, she was fatigued yesterday and slept through the evening. Today, she’s been walking around more. She was alert at the vets and seems to be alert today.