Home Forums Cats what i do my little cousin pour lemon in my cat mouth ??

what i do my little cousin pour lemon in my cat mouth ??

Published on: December 07, 2021 • By: farhan · In Forum: Cats
December 07, 2021 at 09:35pm
what i do my little cousin pour lemon in my cat mouth ??
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
December 08, 2021 at 12:16am
Hello!   If your pet swallows or has contact with any substance at all that you are not sure about, you should immediately call your own vet.  Your vets will often have a veterinary toxicology line that they can access with up-to-date details of reported poisonings and this can be extremely useful and reliable.  The line might need to know some information;  it would help to know the possible dose, rough size of cat, how the potential toxin was packaged / consumed / stored and any medical conditions.  If rapid treatment is indicated, it can then be started as soon as possible and in many cases, can save animals' lives.    I personally haven't heard of toxic effects of lemons.  Lemon juice is a weak acid and it is fairly well-known that cats don't like the taste much, so under normal circumstances they would self-regulate and avoid it.  Therefore, if I were your emergency vet I'd have to call the emergency line and double-check this one.
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