Hi Vets, I wish I had an easier question for my first time post. My 14 year old Jack Russell has been diagnosed with non-regenerative anemia. He's also dealing with failing kidneys and liver as well. I'm unsure of his exact numbers but in November I was told I'd be lucky to have him through Christmas. It's now the end of February and he's a little worse but still with us. He's tired pretty much all of the time but still tries to play here and there. He's given up on kibble all together but will eat wet food if we spoon feed him. His gums are waxy and pale looking and recently he's developed little pin head size bruises on the inside of his hind legs and tummy. When I try to talk to my vet about what's happening with him they keep telling me he's not in pain and I'll know when it's time. The problem is, he's still happily following me around, wagging his tail at everyone and everything, not drinking any more or less Than I would consider normal ect. He's been my baby for so long I can't just let him go but I also promised him and myself that I wouldn't let him suffer. I need some real talk... is it time to say goodbye? Or is he OK to hang on a while longer? Is he really not in pain? Please help me make the toughest decision of my life. I'm really struggling here.