Home Forums Dogs White Stuff in Urine Update

White Stuff in Urine Update

Published on: June 29, 2024 • By: DEM88 · In Forum: Dogs
June 29, 2024 at 06:54pm
Hi, It's been over a year since I posted asking about white stuff in my dog's urine. I thought it best to create an update as my vet and a vet specialist hadn't seen this before. So first a few pictures of the white stuff in the urine: IMG_20221002_133409IMG_20220823_111522 This was the thing we noticed first and approached multiple vets, including specialists, who were really confused by this. Urine tests always came back clear. Later in the year my dog started to act unusual such as scratching at doors and crying. He'd pull furniture and soft furnishings all over the house. The vet suggested that he could have been developing doggy dementia. Then later in the year my dog was booked in to get some teeth removed when a pre-operation blood test showed that his kidneys and liver were very poorly along with a very concerning low albumin level - we were immediately referred to a specialist vet. The specialist vet diagnosed suspected hepatitis and started treatment. Early 2023 he started to pass lots of blood from his bum. I rushed him to the emergency vet who diagnosed gastroenteritis. I brought him home and started treatment but he got worse passing more blood, not eating and not drinking. Ultimately I got him booked back in with the vet where he was kept in for treatment for over a week during which time they inserted a feeding tube which my dog pulled out so the vet installed a nasal feeding tube. His condition continued to deteriorate when a very observant vet spotted some unusual behaviour and decided to run a blood test which confirmed Insulinoma (the cancerous variety). Further blood tests were needed to confirm diagnosis but my dogs condition continued to worsen and the MRI that we were going to ask to be done quickly became futile. We had no option other than to euthanise him in March 2023. I wanted to create this follow up to make people aware of how a weird symptom of white spots in the urine turned into something so unimaginably horrific. This post is in memory of my amazing and beautiful little Casper: Nokia Lumia 71010_290
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 01, 2024 at 01:24am
Thankyou for this interesting update.  I'm sorry that things didn't go well for Casper and appreciate your coming back to let us know.
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