Home Forums Dogs Brown spots on dogs groin/tummy

Brown spots on dogs groin/tummy

Published on: September 07, 2022 • By: teddybear · In Forum: Dogs
September 07, 2022 at 05:31pm
Hello, just wondering if anyone could tell me what these spots are on my dog? They’ve appeared in the last few days. They’re not scabs. He has had the dark pigmentation for a while but not the spots. Just seeing if I should be worried or not or could be sorted with medicated shampoo or something? Thanks in advance! 072670D4-942B-4705-82D4-1AC90E9D424ADB891935-B71A-44D5-BBB9-37EC249D7EB7
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 08, 2022 at 12:39pm
Hello!   I'm afraid that I can't tell be looking over this distance, but one of the main possibilities I can think of - yeast, or "Malassezia" infection - could certainly be treated using a specific medical shampoo (it was POM - prescription only - last time I checked, so only available from your vets or your pharmacy, and in the case of the pharmacy, they would have to have someone willing to prescribe it.  Therefore we would advise seeing your vet).  Bacterial infections might also be treatable this way and do sometimes cause discolouration.  However, I can't rule out anything more sinister at this stage.  Your vet may want to trial treat for superficial infection or, if they are concerned, they may ask to biopsy.  It is definitely worth going to see them.
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