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(FeLV) & feline aids (FIV) and infectious disease

Published on: June 18, 2024 • By: Pips · In Forum: Cats
June 21, 2024 at 08:18pm
she has  FIP/PIV -- this thing - Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).  I advised her to go to the hospital and i have a friend who can watch her kitten. She declined as she wants to be with the kitten. However at this point, I think it's clear that this kitten needs a hospital and that the situation is awful. I am unsure what to say but I just saw the kitten. I have no idea what to do/say other than it's clear that this kitten is very very ill and reminds me of how my friend's kitten looked when he was very ill with FeLV though this is a different disease and i really don't want to be the one to insist on a hospital as 1. I don't know anything 2. this kitten is in very bad shape. I have asked these questions and have not gotten a response. I bought her the royal canin wet recovery. She has not eaten it or anything. The kitten looks dramatically smaller than Tuesday and i do not imagine that she was transparent about the symptoms. This was the blood test, but at this point I think it's irrelevant. The vet was very confident about this diagnosis and it's declining dramatically to the point of I have no idea what to do- my friend can stay with her kids who are not young or I can. This feels super terrible- I do not imagine that the kitten I just saw has moved or is capable of walking or getting off the bed under the blanket. I dont know if the issue is the very understandable horrific feeling of knowing your pet is very very ill or she doesn't want me to spend the $ on a hospital. I imagine that if we go to a hospital that the outcome would be the suggestion that the kitten be put to sleep. The vet is open tomorrow and I think I am asking you if there are any OMG this second this kitten needs to go to a hospital, and then pretending I can make that happen. I won't add the blood tests- the vet is a genius and is confident it is this and the blood tests reflect that and i have zero idea how long the kitten has been ill just that she is very ill right now and mom is not writing me back. there may be a bad word in there. but i don't know how to edit from my computer and my phone is dead. sorry. please delete if it's a no no. i asked her those questions and unsure if those are the right ones . yikes . sorry just one bad word. thank youScreen Shot 2024-06-21 at 16.05.13
June 21, 2024 at 08:19pm
ugh if possible for me to edit that name out of the pic. i would love to- i feel bad about that.
June 22, 2024 at 02:29am
Hi. Sorry. I will just update this and then apologize for taking your time again.So based on the entire clinical picture, one that I will hope= my kitten did not pass on the corona virus of the upstairs kitten being adopted at about 10ish weeks from a place of many unvaccinated, never treated many animals who then was also not vaccinated at all developing a fever at 6 months in addition to other symptoms from not eating to not grooming + an economic reality here that = many parents may not be able to afford indicated vet visit times and due to that may be hesitant to mention symptom specifics (longevity) + low lymphocytes, high protein, high glob, and the other things that genius vets do= this situation. I had not seen the kitten in some time,  and the kitten's first vet visit, Tuedsay= the blood tests being ordered in an urgent matter. I clearly expressed that I am unwilling to make any decision about anything other than am insistent that $ not be a factor. She will see the vet tomorrow and I feel it is likely that the expensive treatment that I know is hard to get may not be pursued. I will talk to my vet, though my kitten has no symptoms as I am totally unclear about any testing for her.  I do not believe the kitten has eaten much of the RC recovery  and has other new symptoms I imagine are not good. I don't know how vets would react to a pet parent mentioning a lengthy symptom history and also that they hadn't vaccinated the animal- but maybe the combo of low $ and fear of judgment = maybe the kitten's history was not shared with complete transparency. I know that sometimes symptoms can happen in ways that may only be 'seen' by pet parents in terrible moments if they happen gradually too. sorry i don't want to write anything judgy other than i should have kept each kitten separated - it was not an expected kitten sitting moment and while each had their own litter box,  as days passed it became clear the kittens wanted to interact- sorry, i will add this to things to try to work out with my therapist i just wanted to say sorry, thank you, i have insisted and mom has agreed that my friend will take them to the vet with $ tomorrow- I don't feel able to see her in that state and I have expressed my hope thta she show the vet her finger and i hope for the best possible outcome and feel very sad. but thank you. i won't jump in again like this. i trust that my vet will not be delighted with a kitten mystery for me on top of my dog's who knows what, but thank you, sorry, thanks again
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 22, 2024 at 11:16am
Aw Pips.  At risk of sounding patronising, I want to give you a hug.  You sound extremely stressed and I hear that you want to do what is right by your neighbours kitten.   However, unless your neighbour has systems are in place to continue a good standard of care afterwards, it is unlikely that a one-off intervention in a chronic infectious disease case will solve anything.  If I was aware of this situation as the vet and it is as bad as you seem to describe, I might well be advocating euthanasia because a very sick kitten passing gently may not be a wealfare issue but living with continuous recurrences and a chronic inbility to get appropriate medical care most certainly could be.  My aim is seldom to preserve life at all costs; it is to preserve quality of life at all costs- and it may be possible that the resources simply arent there.  If that proves to be the case, it is not your responsibility;  however, you do have a responsibility to keep your own cat safe, both psycologically (strange cats in the house can be stressful at the best of times) and from disease.  I sometimes repeat the following to clients, which I think comes fron a prayer (although I am not religious):  'Give me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference.'  Talking of boundaries, neither your vet or myself can treat human diseases, so anyone with a cat bite please needs to show it to a doctor sooner rather than later.  Antibiotics may be needed if the skin has been penetrated, but that is their job and not an area I can speak to you about.  Wishing you and the kitten all the best from here.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 22, 2024 at 11:18am
I will ask my boss to remove the post with a first name on it for you.  We vets are not allowed to, in order that our discussions are traceable.
June 22, 2024 at 07:04pm
Hi.  Thank you, I am so sorry. I am going to see my vet right now just to ask about FIP. Part of it is due to guilt that perhaps this came from my vaccinated healthy kitten.  If i had known of this FIP, rare and crappy as it is, i would have kept them separated the whole 6 to 7 days.  I gave in by day 5ish as they wanted to play, I was encouraged to let them, but it's my choice I need to own. There were no options for care, but I made that mistake and was uninformed and would like this to not be my fault. But this is about Vita Schnitzel. She is my kitten. she was vaccinated prior to my neighbor abandoning her kitten for several days and me choosing to care for her as she was terrified and I don't believe she would have survived the weather conditions among lack of things animals need at age 4ish months. I was informed by mom that she was alone after they were in another country and the kitten had been alone for 24 ish hours on their balcony and was visibly scared and crying. But here we are.  Do you by any chance have experience with FIP treatments?  I understand they may not be authorized and I am currently unclear what $70 treatment has been recommended. The kitten was taken to the vet today, x-rays were done, maybe to look for fluid, i have no idea, and I believe the mom has been informed of corona virus but not FIP as the reason for treatment failure. I have my own reasons to not be thrilled about this particularly clinic that deal with something best left unmentioned. I have spent time googling this thing and read something about a treatment in the UK that i believe is authorized with an 85% rate of success and have been clear that i would need to know exactly what FIP treatment has now been recommended. Ideally it would be one where those 85% of kittens don't ever need things like quality food, vaccinations, or any treatments. I may be unable to disguise my feelings of being put in what I feel is a crappo situation.  If you have personal experience with FIP treatments I would love to learn. If you have experience with feeling confident with the two specific rapid tests in this test in the absence of PCRS (that would take 20 days here), I would be grateful to learn. I think I feel partially guided by my feelings of potential guilt by my choice but am also aware that this kitten was in a house full of many untreated animals prior to being adopted. I apparently will receive a message later about what happened that I believe is a special consideration as my other neighbor and would be the ones paying for any treatment, when we both love kittens and are aware of the 50% estimated FeLV rate, and the particular specific challenges. I guess until i know the name of the treatment and how one-off ish it is I don't know much. I have suggested exactly what you wrote, that I would need to know from the vet how she envisions the kitten' future in the absence of basic care.  If you do have FIP experience, did you feel that certain kittens, even in the vaguest terms tended to respond well to treatment- that is super vague without me knowing what treatment has been suggested. I guess I feel that it is likely the mom has been given hopes of something that may not exist and unsure what an x-ray could show and in the absence of establishing any co-viruses if that is even a thing. The most important question about FIP is this- and only in your experience, is it a diagnosis that vets typically base only on tests and the kitten's condition in that moment OR is there some need for accuracy about symptom history? I feel really crappy for expecting that the kitten's state would be seen as suffering within a grander context of her current everything. I don't want her to be put to sleep if many likely unrealistic magical things would be guaranteed to me and that is unrealistic. I think this was very vague and maybe I should have gone to my vet first and then asked you- but I know it's getting late in the UK. so the rapid tests on the other two are in this and hope even in Spanish they are understood. Because of the 20 day turn around time on the PCR and my total ignorance on everything other than whatever treatment would be initiated could  be ruled out- if that is even relevant. i have now made this even vaguer. I feel like I am not responsible for a currently unknown cost for an unknown treatment within a personal experience hisotory at this clinic which also is impactful. sorry i think i made this absolutely incoherent, but maybe there is something to work with with my little information and feelings of resentment that I feel this burden is mine . sorry. i hope i dont come off as cruel or bitter, i just am unclear in this moment about what was expressed and kinda don't want to learn more. this is the test, but please know I am only asking if you experience with those FIV/FeLV methods. the lab recommended a PCR and i am unsure if those are relevant and i will stop writing. thank you so much. you are wonderful. I am feeling stressy in ways I do not care for and am so grateful for any insight/opinions... on those general levels. thank you. i removed all personal information from the test.... thank you. sorry Screen Shot 2024-06-22 at 15.01.53it's
June 22, 2024 at 07:07pm
ps,also not religious but found that phrase helpful when learning about co-dependency and tendencies as an empath to date narcissists. i also pretend that just you and i are communicating but i have no inner monologue or filter. i also will be seeing my therapist in a few days to discuss dog stuff. but this one i will ask my vet about now to try to learn any local FIP anything. thank you. I feel like you are my people. in the sense of i love what you write- not in the sense that i understand anything that you do but i love how you do what you do
June 22, 2024 at 07:20pm
oops. i am only asking about the kitten. i wrote the clinic that the kitten now has new symptoms in that she bit mom and maybe they can check out her finger, but i am not going to feel any responsibility on that. i shared that the kitten looked very ill, peed outside the box and did not consume the food i got her.  i did not share that other messages suggest symptoms over a month ago, as that felt i dunno, weird to me when ultimatey i can't control what mom mentions as symptoms and i have no idea what they are. i just feel confident that last tuesday  when i gave them the kitty backpack, by her expression and seeing the rapid decline, the symptoms were more than one day of not eating and one day of not grooming. i am saying mom is not my concern anymore, just the kitten. soz
June 22, 2024 at 08:25pm
OMG sorry- i just saw the wishing you all the best. as i don't even know what FIP treatment has been recommended, it is unrealistic for you guess and I read that way too fast. I will gather all local information possible. thank you so much. all good
June 23, 2024 at 07:15pm
i lied. i am writing again and i will make it clear. the treatment is the 84 day one. it is not in this city. as of today this kitten is not accepting syringed water, has not moved, has not eaten. the treatment will not be in our city today or tomorrow. the vet will put teh kitten to sleep tomorrow as i understand. my issue is today. i have very little time before non-hospital vets close. the hospitals where we live are not idea. here are my questions and i get if if you dont answer as this is hairy and sadly i now need to make a decision as of today. the treatment is a non-issue. do fluids reduce pain? if so i will get them so the kitten can make it to tomorrow to be put asleep by her vet. does a high fever = pain? we don't know if she has one. i don't want pain. the mom feels that the stress of taking her somewhere today is more important than anything else. I disagree . I think pain is more important than stress and that the treatment, period, is not in this city period. If I take her to a vet i would like to do it now. I have told the mom that neither she nor I knows what pain is, but that ideally a vet does. She has audios from her vet to share that = without treatment, and there is none in this city= no future. IF fluids OR fever OR anything a vet can determine = pain that = being put down today rather than tomorrow, i will insist we go to a vet. It is her kitten, it is my money. I don't want to weigh stress vs pain but i am and i vote for pain being worse. if you have thoughts, awesome, if not, i totally understand. sorry.
June 23, 2024 at 07:31pm
sorry. axe that. the mom doesn't feel the kitten is showing her signs of pain. she wants to wait. we will wait. she wants this time with her kitten until tomorrow and i will respect that of course. i don't know what pain is but i know that it's her baby and regardless of anythign else, it's her choice. we will wait
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