Home Forums Cats Slight bubbly urine? ..

Slight bubbly urine? ..

Published on: September 04, 2024 • By: emilystajkovic12 · In Forum: Cats
September 04, 2024 at 02:18pm
  urine So my mom has been noticing that our cat sometimes has foam/bubbles in his pee that goes away or is around the puddle. But it's not really permanent nor a lot, and I haven't seen it before in his litterbox, only outside. So is this a warning sign or is he fine? He drinks water well, and pees regularly outside and inside. He doesn't seem ill or has trouble peeing either.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 04, 2024 at 07:21pm
Hello - I'm afraid that if cats' urine is bubbly, I would be concerned that protein is getting into the urine.  This could be the result of a urine infection, but could also be the case that protein is passing from the blood into the urine via the kidneys, so may suggest kidney damage.  We would therefore suggest a visit to the vets sooner rather than later - and if you can catch some fresh urine that morning (eg by leaving the litter out of the cat box and pouring a sample into a clean dry container), that will help your vet - don't worry if you don't see bubbles in that particular sample  
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