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Penrith Vets for Pets

Home > United Kingdom > Westmorland and Furness > Penrith

Penrith Vets for Pets

A VetsForPets practice
Out of Hours Care Off-site
  • Small Animals
  • Pet health plan
Inside Pets at Home, Castle Retail Park, Ullswater Road, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 7JQ

Pet Health Plan

You know how to keep your pet happy and at VetsforPets, we know how to keep your pet healthy. That's why we've created a range of Health Plans that make essential routine treatments more affordable.

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About us

The friendly team at your local VetsforPets in Penrith are waiting to meet you!

Every VetsforPets veterinary surgery is equipped with the latest in technology, which means we can offer your pets the personalised care they need.  At VetsforPets our aim is to treat every pet we see like we would our own, but don’t take our word for it, come along and ask for a practice tour to see for yourself.  

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