Most vets realise the value of social media for marketing their services, but many have reservations about the possible downside of this type of direct engagement with the public. In particular, vets are often put off interactive online activity like Facebook because of their fear of negative comments by disgruntled pet owners. Is this a genuine concern, and if it does happen, how should vets deal with it?
I’ve just had my first experience of a “grumpy customer” on Facebook and I learned a few lessons during the exchange. I’d be interested to hear what other pet owners out there feel about the way I handled it. For the sake of confidentiality, I’ve changed some of the details.
It happened on a Sunday evening: an email notification arrived alerting me to a new posting on my Facebook page: “You refused to treat a sick kitten: shame on you!”. I responded immediately, by logging on to Facebook and telling the poster that I knew nothing about the situation: we are a four vet practice and it’s impossible for any one of us to know about all events happening in our clinic. The reply came back at once: “You turned a friend away because they had no money. It’s cruel to turn away a sick, dying animal”.
I responded again, explaining that our practice had a fair policy to all sick animals, prioritising their welfare, but that in order to respond properly to the comments, I would need to find out more about the specifics of the situation from the practice during office hours. I also said that it was inappropriate to discuss confidential issues in a public forum like Facebook, and I asked the person to send a private Facebook message if they wanted to discuss it further. The person responded by reposting the public allegation that it was cruel for me to turn away a sick kitten.
I then did what I had been tempted to do from the start: I used the Facebook “nuclear” option to delete the postings and block the person making the posts. This is the first time that I’ve ever blocked someone: I like the idea of Facebook being an open forum, with as little “censorship” as possible.
I followed up the situation the following day by checking our practice records. It turned out that a long-standing bad debtor – someone who had had several hundreds of pounds written off previously because of a refusal or inability to pay – had turned up with an unwell kitten, and no money. The vet on duty examined the animal and gave advice on first aid, but refused to admit the animal for intensive investigations and treatment without some money being paid in advance. The client had no money at all with them. They were advised to seek help at a local charity clinic, or to borrow a nominal sum of money to allow us to commence treatment. We had heard no more from them until the Facebook posts, which apparently originated from one of their friends.
At the moment, it seems that my actions in deleting the posts and blocking the user have resolved the issue of having an unwanted public argument about a private matter. Facebook provides enough control for Facebook Page administrators to allow unwelcome content to be easily removed and for unwanted posters to be rapidly blocked. The automatic email alerts that are sent to notify administrators about new posts mean that as long as someone is watching incoming emails, inflammatory posts like this are unlikely to be missed.
I do have some questions. Was I right to delete the posts? Or should I have left them there, as evidence of my willingness to interact online, dealing with complaints as well as compliments?
To me, the key issue here is vets’ professional obligation to maintain confidentiality. It is not possible to deal effectively with a complaint without discussing the precise detail of the accusations, and these are often private. Even if it had been the kitten owner posting, rather than one of their friends, it would still be inappropriate. Holding a contentious discussion of this type on Facebook is like having a similar type of discussion in a busy waiting room. Suggesting that the poster sends you a Facebook Message instead is the online equivalent of asking a client into a quiet room to discuss the issue in private. This seems like a more appropriate way of dealing with an emotional situation where facts may be disputed on both sides and tempers may flare.
Meanwhile, I hope that the sick kitten is doing OK. How far should vets go to help people who don’t wish, or aren’t able, to make any financial contribution to the costs of treatment? And should people with “no money” be allowed to keep pets at all? Perhaps that’s a subject for another blog……
How far should vets go to help people who are unable to make a financial contribution to the cost of treatment?
How about as far as you’re able to. Or as far as your heart tells you to. There are many of us out there that make half your salary that have dedicated our lives to rescuing pets, trapping feral kittens, giving to organizations, donating pet food, buying warm cat houses, giving money to pet charities and paying for life saving procedures, that don’t have near the resources you do. We do it because its the right thing to do.
Except that’s not necessarily fair. Almost all the veterinary staff I know do that. There is also a huge difference between choosing to spend your time and money on doing what’s right, and spending your employers’ money on it. The one is charity, the other is potentially theft and misconduct.
Everywhere I log on, its the “Poor Veterinarians”. The Associations have your backs, the Veterinary Boards all seem to have your backs, there’s the “Not one More Vet” Movement, tons of articles written on the cyber bullying of vets, articles that are concerned about your emotional well-being….everyone is out to help you. We get it. You’re overworked and you feel unappreciated. Much like the rest of us.
On the very rare occasion that you are disciplined (less than 10% of all complaints), you are given a slap on the wrist. You stick together like glue and have one another’s backs…no matter what. And the community adores you.
Imagine if you had to be a pet owner. What do we have? What are our options when you fail to do your job or worse? We can file a complaint with the Board and watch you get a $200 fine. We can bring a civil suit against you and spend $20,000 attempting to recover $3,000.
8 months ago, my beloved 14 year old cat, went to the vet for an Annual Health Exam. The veterinarian took it upon herself to perform a full body shave, an unnecessary and unapproved procedure on him. He died shortly after I brought him home. I called the clinic and the vet has refused to speak to me and explain why she did what she did. I ordered his records and she has altered and written lies all throughout his chart and the chart of my dog. Turns out my cat was given a “Retaliatory shave”. It turns out she carried anger toward me over an interaction we had two years prior, where she insisted on giving my Rough Collie Hartgard, containing Ivermectin. I hired an attorney and a private investigator to speak with the other veterinarians and vet techs in the clinic. “No comment” is what I get.
I’m depressed, I’m pissed off and I’ve spent thousands of dollars and have gotten nowhere. No one offers me grief counseling. There’s no organization that steps in and helps me. I’ve been victimized and the vet gets aways with it. You cannot imagine my frustration when every site I log on to is offering counseling for the poor veterinarians. The veterinarian who did this to my cat should be revoked and jailed.
Maybe you see cyber bullying. They see it as an outlet for their pain or a cry for help. One could easily argue…. that strong human/ animal bond is the very reason your profession exists.
There are indeed two sides to every story – thanks for your post.
I’m assuming you’re based in the US, so I’m afraid there’s not much support I can point you to; I don’t know if you have anything like the Blue Cross Bereavement service over there?
Hi, firstly I would like to say that I fully agree with you for blocking the FB conversation. The sender was obviously emotional, confrontational & this is very difficult to address publicly over FB. I agree with you it’s not right forum for this. I commend you for trying to address the issue. I do agree a lot of people can learn from ‘honest conversations, from people asking direct, honest questions that may not always be easy to answer’. However it is difficult to negotiate with someone who is not in the right frame of mind to listen. I love animals, I always want animals to be helped and not turned away. I understand, like doctors, you can’t run a business for free. More Charity drives? Is there not something more each pet owner could or donate to help?
Hi, firstly I would like to say that I fully agree with you for blocking the FB conversation. The sender was obviously emotional, confrontational & this is very difficult to address publicly over FB. I agree with you it’s not right forum for this. I commend you for trying to address the issue. I do agree a lot of people can learn from ‘honest conversations, from people asking direct, honest questions that may not always be easy to answer’. However it is difficult to negotiate with someone who is not in the right frame of mind to listen. I love animals, I always want animals to be helped and not turned away. I understand, like doctors, you can’t run a business for free. More Charity drives? Is there not something more each pet owner could or donate to help?
You tried to engage in conversation with this person and to address their complaint, but they were not interested and just wanted to be abusive. Think it was fair at that stage to delete the comments and block.
You tried to engage in conversation with this person and to address their complaint, but they were not interested and just wanted to be abusive. Think it was fair at that stage to delete the comments and block.