Home Forums Cats How to k ow if cat is okay after multiple teeth extracted

How to k ow if cat is okay after multiple teeth extracted

Published on: April 20, 2022 • By: NFR0512 · In Forum: Cats
April 20, 2022 at 03:44pm
My cat had several teeth removed about 3.5 weeks ago. Seems like everything is going great, but today I looked in his mouth for the first time really and noticed what looks like small teeth fragments? Sticking out of his gum.. I saw one for sure. Is this normal? And also what should I look for regarding if he still has infection or not? Before surgery I could smell his awful breath several feet away, now I hardly smell anything being right up close to his mouth, but just want to make sure he doesn’t still have infection. Thanks!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 20, 2022 at 09:03pm
Hello!  It is common for vets to organise a post-op check after a dental, in order to be sure that everything is as it should be.  I know that some clinics are still not operating to full capacity after Covid and in other cases, an extra recheck is thought to be more stressful than helpful for some patients, but in your case it sounds as though you have concerns so it may be good for this mouth to be checked again.  I am not clear whether you are seeing tooth fragments, exposed bone or something entirely different for example, but a post op check may allow your vet to reach a conclusion and decide from there what, if anything different, needs to be done.  Protruding tooth or bone is not the same as an infection and the treatment is unlikely to be the same; the two may, however,co-exist.  The  smell may have been associated with infection or plaque,so it is good to know that that is no longer there.  Best of luck with your cats' mouth from here and I would be very interested to know what is found when you go back.
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