Home Forums Kittens Is my kitten a boy or a girl?

Is my kitten a boy or a girl?

Published on: September 04, 2022 • By: angelnicoleee · In Forum: Kittens
September 04, 2022 at 02:12am
I’ve been trying to figure this out , but I can’t really tell. My kitten is 2 months old. Can someone please let me know if it’s a male or female ? 55B663B2-BFBE-4AA6-979D-F7B3769C4243
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 04, 2022 at 10:29am
Hello!  Here is my guide to sexing kittens:   ¹)  if they are old enough to have testicles, it's a no brainer.  However before then, you can look at the two holes so carefully pictured here.   Males have an Anus (top hole, tight with a sphincter) and a round hole, a good distance (two finger widths, perhaps) below it.  This is the end of the penis,  which is sunk into the tissues around it and pointing backwards, so it just looks like a round hole.  Females,  by contrast,  also have an anus, with a small gap and then a slitty hole below it, very close.
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