My neighbour and I recently gained a beautiful 8 week old kitten each from one of my wonderful friends, they're absolutely adorable - lively little buggers, playful .. Everything you want a kitten to be.
Tonight my neighbour messaged me, her boy named Clarence had vomited, began to sway and curled up to go to sleep, only when she went to check on him? Completely paralyzed, his heart beat is strong, he's still breathing and he weakly tries to meow. His eyes kind of dilate but he's also not blinking, his tail twitches when you pick him up and his tongue is the only other thing that you can see moving - aside from his breathing.
If it wasn't night time? He'd be up at the vets, if we weren't in a rural area - we'd be seeing a vet. It's currently 4am, this all started at around 11pm and the only emergency vet opens at 8.30am.
My neighbour has wrapped him up, rubbed honey on his gums and is watching him nervously. I really hope it's not bas news in the morning .. but this poor little baby..
I just.. what's happening??