Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello! I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your loved one; you must be devastated and I wonder whether you are also at that stage of greif known as 'bargaining,' where people search for reasons that the death shouldn't have happened. If so, that is a normal part of processing greif and asking questions is certainly a useful way to address it. You are correct in that breathlessness can be a sign of heart failure as well as pain, and that heart failure can occur in conjunction with a murmur. I am also convinced that your vet would have known this, so I wonder - having already diagnosed the murmur - that they didn't attribute the signs they observed to heart disesase, but to pain. You don't say why this was, but I would expect them to be able to tell you. Perhaps the clinical signs or physical presentation aligned better with pancreatitis or cancer; perhaps that distended abdomen seemed likely to hide a tumour or pancreatitis or kidney or liver disease or even an exceptionally-timed womb infection or pregnancy, any of which might have been implicated in an early death. The way to have known would have been to carry out diagnostic tests; perhaps abdominal scans, radiographs and / or heart scans. If there were to have been fluid on the abdomen, they might also have been able to tap a little and find more out about it.