Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - and thankyou for this interesting question. I am always saying this, but context is everything. It sounds as though your vet has removed this lump AND seen the report, so they will have the best opinion as to how completely the mass was removed and how satisfied they were. The prognosis for the tumour type in general is explained by the pathogist in the third paragrpaph, the one starting 'without treatment....' but it needs to be interpreted in light of your dogs' particular circumstances. My guess is that by 'without treatment,' they mean 'without further chemo' or 'without surgery,' but it would be advisable to check. You can discuss results with your vet without taking your dog into the appointment. Indeed, it sounds as though you might have a better conversation that way. It would be normal for them to still charge for their time (although it may be covered as a post-op check- always ask about their pricing structure). They may ask to do physical post-surgical checks with your dog, but if they know that these won't be useful, they may agree to monitor your dog in another way.
Wishing you both (yourself and the patient) the very best of outcomes.