Gabapentin liquid vs pill specific question (pain)
Published on: August 14, 2024 • By: Pips · In Forum: Kittens
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August 14, 2024 at 01:10am
Hi . I'm sorry. I dont understand science or tech, was recently hacked, posted about kitten vita from other account but now cam only sign in with original account. Im sorry- I'm the south america mom of complex dog and now kitten, with a new hard cast for fractured tibiae ans bone fragment thingies. Will try to be clear and direct. Will ask the vets tomorrow, but am having a very hard time following aftercare instructions on several levels and would be grateful to learn any opinion while assuring you in will ask them as well. Do you find that pill vs liquid Gabapentin makes a difference in your patients? Thanks so much. Im finding thr liquid administration via syringes into food challenging re: dose and consumption (she had pill form prior as required by vet due to behavior/calmness pre-aplointmemt . its for pain I'm assuming this time and always value amy opinions when I cant ask due to time thought will tomorrow thanks so so so much
Sorry- to be more specific, ive been told to syringes 1ml into food, not directly into mouth. I am envious of those for whom this approach works- im now 0 for 2 as neither pet consumed any med in any food- ive been told the taste is Crap. The kitten is super easy to pill compared to dog. If liquid form is magical I will cross pâté off the list and try something else- just curious as to your experience with the two forms. Forgive my tummy in this pic - just to illustrate
Hello! There are no specific UK products available for dosing cats with Gabapentin to my knowledge, probably because drugs companies haven't found a profitable way of putting Gabapentin out there, with sufficient evidence behind it, in an appropriate form for cats to use. The 'cascade' for prescribing drugs suggests that unlicensed drugs may be used, where there isn't a licensed product available that will do the same job. When it comes to pain, it may be that your vet has other options available to them and not knowing the specifics of your cats' situation, I am not in a position to make recommendations on this. However, I do feel that, regardless of licensing, force-feeding cats with something that tastes unpalatable to them can cause issues and would generally recommend looking for alternatives in such cases. Perhaps an appointment with the prescribing vet, in which your cats' pain relief is the only focus of discussion, would help to get this issue the attention that it deserves.
Thank you so much and apologies to the tech team- I just get nothing whe re liquid vs pill (any med) so many things have happened since I wrote. I will try to be clear and would be so grateful for suggestion's based only a general level. It was decided that vita Schnitzel needs surgery. Her first ever blood tests = something's bad that will learn on monday that = no surgery will be done Monday as planned. 1. Can yoh share recs for restricting activity? If you say ou say crate- time/any suggestions? ESP when kitten has been traumatized. I feel, strongly, that restricting a very active kitten ? In your experience with kitten casts, if you found that xyz level of exercise restriction was keys in would love any tips (cast may be it- she is so active. I can get a crates - it will be very expensive- doable-- just curious about any tips (building a space wise the most)? Thanks so much! The post below js likely more relevant but cant get on that account. Couple pics #)