Home Forums Dogs 11 month pup refusing food

11 month pup refusing food

Published on: June 21, 2024 • By: shihpoomum · In Forum: Dogs
June 21, 2024 at 05:18pm
Hello Vets I have a 11 month old Shihpoo puppy weighing in at 6.8kg. From the day we got him, he’s refused any dog food (wet and kibble), we also tried raw feeding, we tried cooking him food such as mince, sweet potato, carrots etc, he refused. We have tried the whole giving him dog food only and taking it away after 15 minutes, tried again a couple hours later etc and we went 5 days before I gave in and cooked him chicken because he was violently shaking and vomiting bile. Cooked chicken is the only thing he will eat, and even then most days he will go untill the evening before he eats it. He had his health check at the weekend and they were concerned about being able to feel every nodule of his spine. He hasn’t lost weight but he also hasn’t gained any. We had blood tests taken for him today for a full panel check (kidneys, liver etc) and everything was fine, only thing that came back was low platelets. Now the vet said that could be due to an error with the machine, the way the sample was taken etc, or it could be be that his body is attacking them. He’s due to be castrated next month however, it won’t go ahead untill they are up to a satisfactory level for ourselves and the vet of course. They want to re test him to which we will be in a month as we are trying a new food to see if he will eat this one. He is normal in himself, a happy bouncy puppy. Drinking and toileting fine. And will eat the cat food or asks for what we eat. My question is, what else can we do to make him eat? It’s as if he doesn’t have a hunger mechanism. We just want him safe and healthy, please any advice or tips I will welcome! It’s heartbreaking not knowing how to get the nutrients in him. I’ve just had him groomed and he’s been groomed super short (due to being shaved for a blood test so they matched it) and it’s shown how skinny he really is. We have managed to get him to eat 2 pouches of dogs food total in two days which is massive for him but I don’t know how else to make him eat 😭 I’m starting to really worry and the vets are at a loss.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 21, 2024 at 10:50pm
Hello - and sending hugs.  It sounds as if your pup is unable to put on weight and is only really eating novel or particularly tasty foods.  This certainly isn't normal; underweight dogs usually have a strong drive to eat.  There is a huge list of differentials, including some that dont show on typical bloods:  the kidneys (usually definitively testing using a water sample), diabetes, a portosystemic shunt (this involves the liver but doesnt necessarily affect liver enzymes), severe heart problems, sickness originating from low stomach size and so on.  People often tell me that their vet is at a loss, and it has always struck me as strange because I have seldom heard vets saying this amongst themselves - and when we do, we have a lot of resources to draw on (colleagues, text books, experts, lab pathologists, special-interest veterinary groups and so on).  A good response would be, 'Ok so what do we need to do to find out and who would you ask?' Or alternatively, 'please could you list the things it could still be - which one does it make sense to rule out next?' Or 'is there someone we could refer this case to please, because I'm worried.'   I hope that you and your vet manage to get to the bottom of this one- please keep asking for help and more investigation, because your pup sounds to need it.
June 23, 2024 at 03:12pm
Thank you for responding. They tested for diabetes and said he’s clear on that. I’m at a point where I am going to discuss omeprazole as he does get acid reflux due to his breed, I’m also going to discuss appetite stimulants and a liquid diet as even if I have to syringe feed him I will do it: we are going to look into further testing. He demolished half a can of Tuna as I wanted to see if he just wasn’t hungry or just didn’t want his food (he very very rarely gets tuna as I know high quantities of Mercury are not safe). So we tried tinned salmon (he looked disgusted). ATM I am taking whatever I can get him to eat so he doesn’t starve. It’s as if he doesn’t have a hunger mechanism if that makes sense. The good thing at least is he hasn’t lost weight so he is maintaining his weight but obviously he needs to be a big heavier. I really appreciate your time x
July 13, 2024 at 10:23am
Hey! I thought I’d update you, so far, I’ve managed over the course of 2 weeks to get him eating at minimum half a can of dog food. Yesterday he ate 3/4 of a can. This morning he’s eaten 2/3 of his half a can. The progress is slow but it’s an insanely massive improvement from what we were dealing with! It’s also food that doesn’t require kibble (apparently he thinks kibble is beneath him). Hoping it continues and I can get him eating 1 can a day! He sniffs it and walks away but it’s like one he’s tasted some he realises he likes it (messed up sense of smell maybe?), I don’t know but yeah I wanted to let you know the progress! :)
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