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Adult food for kitten

Published on: June 16, 2022 • By: jasmind93 · In Forum: Kittens
June 16, 2022 at 08:21pm
I have a kitten who is 13 weeks old and I was wondering if I could feed him adult wet food but keep him on kitten dry food, he has constant access to dry food but my adult cat is eating his wet food and it's causing him to put on weight. If I could switch my kitten to the same food it would stop him eating the kitten food but I don't want to it to be detrimental to the kittend health and development in any way 
June 16, 2022 at 08:22pm
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 16, 2022 at 08:31pm
Hi!  That's tricky because kittens have to double, triple, quadruple in size very quickly and they need the right nutrients to do that, so what is making your big cat fat may be ideal for your kitten (check with your vet as I don't know what you're feeding or your cats!)   Rather, I wonder if kitten could have a specific feeding time on their own with the door shut, and then just take up the bowl with what they haven't eaten?  (In time I guess you learn how much to put down).   Definitely something to talk over with your vet - or perhaps the practice nurse, as they are usually better at that kind of thing than the vets are!
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