Home Forums Dogs Black spots all over dogs back

Black spots all over dogs back

Published on: September 21, 2024 • By: dmetzner · In Forum: Dogs
September 21, 2024 at 07:57pm
So my small Poodle mix has black spots all over her back.  Most are flat but some are scabby.  I was told that it was skin allergies by the vet and provided a medicated Shampoo but haven’t seen any improvement.  After her last groomer appointment I noticed even more spots.  She seems unbothered by them.  Any idea what this is or what could be causing them?  (Note her skin isn’t normally as red as it appears in the picture I had been bathing her in warm water and massaging shampoo for 5 min)IMG_4341
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 22, 2024 at 03:23pm
Hello - I hope that's a shampoo that's proven to target Malassezia as prescribed by your vet, because if so and there is no improvement then yeast may be on the way to being ruled out as a differential - something to ask your vet about.   There is a primary hyperpigmentation (too much pigment) syndrome in dogs, but it tends to be genetic and associated with Daschunds.  Acquired causes (things that can develop or be caught) include:
  • hormonal disease (such as Cushings or hypothyroidism - this doesn't look typical
  • yeast infection (as above)
  • worryingly, mast cell tumours and lymphoma (these would need a biopsy to identify them)
  • ringworm (although I have never seen it present like this)
This sort of thing is difficult to diagnose just by looking, so your vet might wish to arrange tests.  
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
September 22, 2024 at 03:23pm
Hello - I hope that's a shampoo that's proven to target Malassezia as prescribed by your vet, because if so and there is no improvement then yeast may be on the way to being ruled out as a differential - something to ask your vet about.   There is a primary hyperpigmentation (too much pigment) syndrome in dogs, but it tends to be genetic and associated with Daschunds.  Acquired causes (things that can develop or be caught) include:
  • hormonal disease (such as Cushings or hypothyroidism - this doesn't look typical
  • yeast infection (as above)
  • worryingly, mast cell tumours and lymphoma (these would need a biopsy to identify them)
  • ringworm (although I have never seen it present like this)
This sort of thing is difficult to diagnose just by looking, so your vet might wish to arrange tests.  
September 24, 2024 at 02:11pm
As a vet, I'd recommend you get your dog checked out to properly diagnose the cause of those black spots. There are several potential explanations: Hyperpigmentation: This can occur due to chronic irritation or inflammation, causing the skin to produce more pigment. Flea Dirt: If the black spots seem more like debris, they could be flea dirt, which are flea droppings and might indicate a flea infestation. Seborrhea: This is a skin condition that can cause excessive oil production, leading to black spots or flaky patches. Fungal or Bacterial Infections: Sometimes, black spots are a sign of infections that need treatment with medicated shampoos or antibiotics. Allergies: Skin reactions from allergies can cause dark spots over time due to inflammation and scratching. To figure out what's causing it, I recommend visiting your vet for a closer look. They may perform skin scrapings or other tests to find the exact cause and provide appropriate treatment.
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