Home Forums Cats Blister on cats paw? Infection?

Blister on cats paw? Infection?

Published on: February 05, 2025 • By: jmarie575900 · In Forum: Cats
February 05, 2025 at 02:40am
Hi. I got home from work Sunday and my cat was limping. When checking her paw I see a blister like injury on her toe. I took her to the vet Monday and they really didn’t look at anything, because “it seems to bother her.” Very unhelpful lol. I sent them a photo and they gave me gabapentin and an antibacterial cream. I know it’s only been a  day but she’s still in pain and I feel like it’s looking worse. IMG_7107 Does anyone know what this is? Should I soak her paw in salt water to help soothe it? Any advice is greatly appreciated! First pic was yesterday, below is today. IMG_7157
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 05, 2025 at 08:38am
Hello and I'm sorry to hear about this complication with your cats' foot.  It does indeed sound painful; limping is a direct sign of pain (if you think about it, pain is the reason that a limping paw is not put to the ground) and given that the lesion is worsening despite initial treatment, I would advocate speaking to your vet immediately rather than waiting.  It could be an injury or burn.  It could be plasma-cell podermatitis, although it doesn't look like the single case I've knowingly seen - but I am concerned about progressive medical and systemic problems too, which can worsen with a0 time and b) trauma from a cats' tongue.  Your vet might ask to forward the picture to a lab pathologist for advice if they are unsure. Please will you let us know how you get on?
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