Home Forums Puppies Chronic Diarrhea- I feel like I’ve tried everything

Chronic Diarrhea- I feel like I've tried everything

Published on: January 22, 2023 • By: mmwest512@gmail.com · In Forum: Puppies
January 22, 2023 at 03:23pm
Cornbread is a 10 month old malinois/german sherphard mix and has struggled with diarrhea since I got her 6 months ago. She had parvo as a puppy so I am not sure if thats related. I've done x-rays all the fecal tests and they are all negative. No parasites or anything. I do not give her treats or people food (I've done the white rice/pumpkin/yogurt with food and it doesn't help). She is on the Hills gastro biome diet and is still having very frequent liquid diarrhea. often I have to let her out several times a night. She is so skinny and I do not know what else to do. Her vet is out of ideas also. Can anyone offer some insight into this problem? I would appreciate it so much
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 22, 2023 at 04:28pm
Hello!  I am always surprised on this page, by how often I read 'the vet is out of ideas.'  I was an active first opinion small animal vet for over ten years, locumming across a huge variety of practises.  In this time, I never heard a vet say 'I am out of ideas for this case' with no suggestion or direction offered as to where to go next, especially not a case that's only 10 months old.  To be honest, I wonder whether adequate client-vet communication is happening between the two of you here.  Assuming that your dog has been consistently following a vet-suggested bland diet with no transgressions (such as adding yogurt, which can set things right back as dogs did not evolve the enzyme for digesting dairy) and a comprehensive flea and worm programme, this should continue for at least three months before being branded unsuccessful.  It may be that an alternative diet is tried after that.  My suggestion meanwhile would be to go back to your vet and ask them to list the most likely causes of chronic diarrhoea in a dog of this breed and age.   I would ask which causes they have completely ruled out and which they need to better rule out before referring to an expert.  This may include tests for pancreatitis, liver disease, various parasites, various gut diseases and even cancer in some unlucky individuals. If you work together to make a diagnostic plan, it will help you to understand the process - which can be quite complicated- and provide some structure.  Failing this, you could ask to be referred directly.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 22, 2023 at 04:34pm
Meanwhile, might I add that an approach to chronic disease can seem endless - and overwhelming.  My best suggestion is to 'map' in diagrammatic form, your vets' approach to getting to the bottom of it, so that you can hopefully see that a systematic process is happening - and where the case currently stands.   Questions such as 'What will you do if this doesn't work?' and 'When do you want to see us again' are often helpful.  I hope that sonething here helps to move the case on for your dog.
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