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Combining Surgical Procedures

Published on: January 13, 2024 • By: heysharon · In Forum: Dogs
January 13, 2024 at 07:09pm
Need another vet opinion please! My 2yo English Mastiff is scheduled for a spay + gastroplexy + entropion repair (1 eye) in 9 days. Several individuals in an online group opined that the eye surgery should be done separate from the other procedures because the extra procedure on the eyes would increase risk because of lengthened time under anesthesia, and the recovery would be more complicated. They also recommended an ophthalmologist for eye surgery rather than my regular vet. I thought that I was reducing her risk by getting it all done at once. I just want to do what's best for my dog.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
January 13, 2024 at 08:59pm
Entropion ops can be deceptively easy to get wrong and it is a procedure that many experienced vets (myself included when I was operating regularly, which I did for over a decade) refer to a specialist eye surgeon (opthalmologist) wherever possible.  My own specialisms run to medicine rather than surgery and I'm in no position to judge your vet's abilities, but I personally wouldn't have attempted those procedures at the same time.  It is possible to perform a much quicker, temporary 'eyelid tac' to keep the eyelashes from rubbing on the globe of the eyes in the short term.
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