Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello; I cannot see a question here and have little in the way of context. My approach to a 'pimple' such as this would first to establish that it is definitely not a nipple or accessory nipple, which would be a little more obvious in real life. If it is definitely an abnornal growth, then the vet will want to check for others,and to begin to establish whether this might be inflammatory (injury, insect bites, stings, small foreign bodies) or cancerous (benign or sinister), infecton or something that has arisen in another way. Frustratingly, these groups of things can look similar from the outside, so if your vet isn't sure they might make a choice between treating the symptoms (to see if they resolve) or trying to diagnose them - or even both at once. Please be aware that only rarely are such issues solved in a single consultation.