I have a 6 year old intact male Vizsla. He eats a raw diet, gets exercise needs met, sees the vet whenever needed. He has had some digestive issues on and off. Over his lifetime, it is thought he has possibly ingested something (marijuana? or human feces with marijuana?) at least 5 times. We have not actually seen him eat anything ANY of these times except one time he ate human feces just prior to one of these wobbly episodes. All the other times were just suspected ingestions based on symptoms--wobbly on feet, dilated pupils, seeming "off" and they typically resolved prior to or within 12 hours.
Recently, he had a similar, but worse symptom episode before he ever went outside even to pee for the day--first thing in the morning. We have no marijuana, nicotine, or other drug substances in the house or on the property. So no ingestion of anything that morning. The evening prior is the only time he was on a neighborhood walk with a last potty around 11pm just in our yard. The episode in question happened around 10am.
See this video for how he looked that day.
He was taken to the emergency vet this same day and they did vitals, general bloodwork, EKG, and chest x-ray--all were normal and his symptoms were resolved by the time the vet examined him. He has recently been tested for Addison's disease, which he does not have. The only other thing is that he can seem moody at times. It is subtle, but we can notice it. Other than this, he seems in good health. His vets all say what good shape he's in and how good he looks for his age.
The ER doctor recommendation is to see a vet neurologist, which we will do. They said if our dog has had these similar episodes multiple times, they could be related to each to each other and not to intoxication/ingestion.
While we're waiting to see a neurologist, I am wondering if anyone has any clues as to what this could be if it's not ingestion/intoxication.