Home Forums Dogs English setter seizures

English setter seizures

Published on: June 27, 2023 • By: chusco · In Forum: Dogs
June 27, 2023 at 04:03pm
Hi all, new here, myself. Amazing website, by the way. I just signed up because I'd love to get some help from anyone here regarding some weird seizures my dog has experienced of late. Its a 4 y/o male english setter as you can see in this video I uploaded to dropbox (not possible, apparently, to upload videos here): https://www.dropbox.com/s/exis11j52tlefsu/DogSeizureVideo.mp4?dl=0 First time we saw something like that was back in Xmas this year. The next one we witnessed was late april and the third (that we were lucky enough to record) was this one 3 weeks after the one in April. We cant say if he had any other seizure while by its own before and we are not aware he had any after this one we recorded. Sorry, by the way, for such a long video, I just wanted you all to see how long the seizures last. Video has cuts but very short ones, so basically what the video shows is the whole thing that happened that day. Its a very lifely dog, maybe a bit too on the nervy side. He needs a lot of exercise and it barely stops running/moving while in the wild; also at home. He is the happiest, loving and easiest to handle dog you can find, really. That day on the video we were having our daily stroll on the hills nearby our town. No extreme exercise at all that day or previous days. The dog was acting normally until it suddenly sit ten meters in front of us. We knew just then something was going on. What happened next you can see on the video. At some point I put my ear on his abdomen. It seems like a weird thing to do but I did so because a vet informaly told us it all may have to be with stomach colics. Dog has always eaten quite little, really. However, I dont think it has anything to do with that. Symptoms apart from what can be seen in the video are very stiff back legs. Ears were fine, normal temperature; snout on the warm side I would say. It does not seem to loose conciousness, to be in pain neither. Maybe a bit agitated, watery mouth too (although more obvious in previous fits than in this one). Once it is over, dog walks a bit weird for a little while but seems to gradually get rid of the back legs (and tail) stiffness. In 5 minutes he is almost itself again. Just almost... we know him well and behaves slightly different for a while, like if it knows something wrong has happened. Even the day after it does not eat properly and feels quieter than usual. At least, thank God the dog does not seem to be in pain at any point. Still, it is quite worrying and we dont know how serious this is or it can get. If you need more info about it all, please let me know. Any help would be really apreciated. Many thanks in advance for now.    
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