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Extreme hair loss

Published on: May 01, 2021 • By: lisa · In Forum: Dogs
May 01, 2021 at 12:31am
Hi. I’m hoping someone can help me. I have 2 female old English bulldogs, 21 months old (from the same litter). 5 months ago i noticed their hair was thinning in places. I took them to the vets and they said it looked like an allergy so i changed their food to grain free, cut all treats out and changed their bed. Their hair continued to thin and they had bald patches, they were licking and scratching their paws and faces. Back at the vets, they prescribed advocate and a course of steroids. The steroids stopped the itching but the baldness continued with 1 dog being noticeably worse than the other. 3 weeks later the vets prescribed bravecto and an anti fungal shampoo as they thought they had demodicosis and I was told to take the dogs back in 3 months. I’ve been back and they say it’s not that, they think it’s seasonal flank alooecia with allergies and it’s unlikely their hair is going to grow back. They are back on steroids and have a another check up in 3 weeks. While both dogs are happy in themselves, eating, drinking, running around as normal, and have been throughout, they don’t look very good. I am absolutely devastated for my 2 little beauties.
May 01, 2021 at 12:34am
hi, here are few pics of them. 67FDC1B7-4A3D-4B38-B495-ECB984EAD078D00A0D41-AB82-4FC5-8DAB-B9DE18CCAC97E15BB44F-5F6E-4964-947E-7DE1D773D800
David Harris
May 01, 2021 at 08:23pm
These symmetrical or flank alopecia conditions can be really hard to get on top of! We always like to rule out parasites - like Demodex - and allergies first, but the majority of these conditions end up being hormonal. They’re strongly associated with Cushing’s disease and Hypothyroidism, but can also be seen in otherwise completely healthy dogs. Unfortunately, many causes are thought to have a genetic component, which is presumably why both your girls, as sisters, are similarly affected. It may take a while to get to the bottom of the problem - it’s often valuable to see if there is a seasonal component, which means observing for a year. The good news is that if this is the issue, they probably aren’t suffering at all and are themselves quite unaware that there’s anything wrong! Good luck… and do keep us updated.
May 02, 2021 at 12:56pm
  • Thanks David, what you have said is exactly what our vets have said. They like to rule out mites and allergies first. Obviously our main concern is that the dogs are happy and healthy in themselves, which they are. The only concern we have is, although the steroids are taking away the itching and discomfort, we know if it is demodicosis, then once the steroids are stopped it will be make it worse. We thought it was demodicosis because both girls have black heads in the some of the bald areas and after doing a lot of our own research we’ve found that is one of the main signs. I’ve added a picture, would seasonal flank alopecia have these black dots? AAE79469-D492-4A82-8D4E-0A28844DA2C7
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 02, 2021 at 01:59pm
Hello!  Vets usually start steroids because they feel that skin is itchy;  Demodecosis it noted for the fact that it does not usually itch on presentation.  However it is not uncommon for steroids to exacerbate demodex if they are involved.   This is an interesting, complex case and we look forward to hearing how it progresses.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
May 02, 2021 at 02:02pm
Black dots can appear for all kinds of reasons increase yeast etc clogging pores.  The formal way to rule out Demodecosis is to ask for a deep skin scrape and microscopy to be carried out.  The results from this can usually be turned over relatively quickly.   Best of luck!
May 02, 2021 at 05:21pm
Hello liz, thanks for replying. A deep skin scape and microscopy were mentioned on a previous visit to the vets, however at our last appointment, they ruled demodecosis because they said their hair would have grown back after the treatment she prescribed. They are back at the vets next week, I will post an update. Thanks again.
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