Home Forums Dogs Fractured Toes

Fractured Toes

Published on: February 19, 2022 • By: 3Pups3Cats · In Forum: Dogs
February 19, 2022 at 06:18pm
I have a 1 year old 4 pound Yorkie that jumped off the bed (instead of using his stairs) chasing one of my cats. He ended up fracturing his toes on that one paw. He wore a cast for 9 weeks. The vet clinic took two X-rays and put on the cast. I took the cast off at home, which was pretty easy.b Just took it off about 3 days ago and he still hops. Now he does put weight on it at times, but most of the time he hops. He lets me grab it and press on it unlike when he first fractured it. So I know it's definitely better. Will he ever walk on his paw again? Will he have to get another cast? Thanks
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 19, 2022 at 06:31pm
Hello!  I'm glad that the amount of pain your Yorkie is in has reduced, such that he now allows you to squeeze his paw.   However, this cannot be taken as evidence that a fracture has fully healed!   Given that he is still limping, it is very likely that the leg is still painful on weight bearing - this is what most limping is, an indication of pain on weight bearing - and it is also possible that the soft tissues have become weak and need support to recover.   Having coped with a cast for so long, it would be a shame to take risks with the leg going forward.   Is your vet aware / happy that you removed the cast at this time and not earlier or later?  We would strongly advise restricting exercise for the next few hours until you have been able to contact them for advice - they may wish to examine the patient.
February 19, 2022 at 06:56pm
Hi! Thanks for responding! I removed the cast at home because I don't have the money right now to see the vet. It had been 9 weeks that the cast was on and everything I read said it should only be 6-8 weeks. When the cast was put on I pod roughly $300. Im pretty sure it will be close to that when im able to take him back in another week. That's the soonest I'll have the money. I've been keeping him in a puppy playpen away from my other pets so that he doesn't accidentally hurt his toes again.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 20, 2022 at 01:58pm
I'm sorry to hear about this;  it is tough and frustrating when money dictates vet care.   Rest and keeping away from other pets both sound like reasonable ideas but I have to state (for reasons of my own insurance) that obviously they are no replacement for timely examination and care, especially in cases where an animal may be in pain.  That said, some extremely common every day pain killers we think of as harmless in people can be extremely damaging to pets, so you do right in not giving pain relief yourself (this is illegal in the UK anyway).  Best of luck in this frustrating situation and please be aware that there are charities (such as the PDSA or RSPCA) who may be able to help to support you and your pet at this time.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 20, 2022 at 02:02pm
I'm sorry - I just read that you are working in Dollars, so some of this information is not helpful to you.  I am not aware of the situation for emergency low-income pet care in the US (I trust that it varies massively between states anyway) but it may be helpful to you to find out.
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