Hello. Thank you for reviewing my post. I am new here and am posting for the first time.
I have a German Sheppard (Roger). His left arm/elbow became large over the past couple of months. I took him to the Vet and they said they had no idea...took x-rays and said no tumor or cancer so they needed to do an exploratory procedure to try and determine the cause and if it is treatable. I did not have the $$$ at that second but am about to....so I am looking to get another view on the issue before I spend the $$$ on the procedure. She was a younger vet but I am assume they collaborated and had a mentor at the clinic....
*Roger can eat fine, drinks fine, hops around to go to the bathroom but that's it.....
I included a pic but he is a little furry.....left side swollen. Huge hard ball of elbow....rock hard. Does not seem to be painful when touched but he is lame.
Thank you for the time.
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