Home Forums Cats Is cat pregnant or something wrong with stomach

Is cat pregnant or something wrong with stomach

Published on: April 06, 2024 • By: Ravi · In Forum: Cats
April 06, 2024 at 05:31pm
There is a stray cat near my workplace and not sure if it’s pregnant or if it’s due to worms but its stomach is really big and has been for 3-4 months now so if someone can take a look at the below video and let me know what you think and what I should do. Thanks https://streamable.com/h4wgfa
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
April 07, 2024 at 06:11pm
Hello - has this cat been sexed?  We avoid sexing cats on this site, especially moving ones, but it may be worth checking.  The other thing is that the gestational period of a cat is approximately 63 days, so if it has been that way for 3-4 months, then a normal pregnancy may seem unlikely anyway.  There are various causes of swollen abdomens in cats.  A common one is a build up of fluid, which can come from FIP, cancer or heart disease.  Other causes can include liver disease, Cushings, kidney disease, or a failure of blood clotting.   Parasites are a much rarer cause.  However, the truth about stray cats is that many of them actually have owners who are searching for them.  We would reccommend taking this one to a vets or RSPCA centre; they may well be able to scan it and reunite it with its owner - and if medical treatment is needed, they might also let you know.
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