Home Forums Dogs My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

My 5 month old dog have parvovirus

Published on: October 31, 2022 • By: Ivailo_krustev · In Forum: Dogs
October 31, 2022 at 06:33pm
Hello! My 5 old month got sick from parvovirus 8 days ago we take it to veterinarian and had treatment for 4 days and they said that was the treatment and to take her home and try slowly feeding her and giving water. The problem is she don't have absolutely any appetite and we have to forcefully feed her with syringe we feed her with boiled chicken breast and white rice we make it liquid with blender. For the first days she used to puke now is puking less and less. She drinks water and wants a lot. We feed her little every hour and give her water every hour. She haven't puked for the last day but have really bad diahhria with no blood. Her diahhria very liquidly . Last night she had so much. She haven't had diahhria in the last 3 days but she barely eat too. Today we fed her and gave water and had really bad diahhria again so we just have her water without blended chicken and rice. What should we do to help her. We contacted the veterinarian and she said that she can't help her at all and it'll just take her longer to recover and she'll eventually get her appetite back. My main concern is the really bad diahhria. Should we feed her or not? What should we do? Should we gave her something for the diahhria? Thank you so much for the answer! Also sorry If I made grammar mistakes I'm not native english speaker.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 01, 2022 at 09:31am
Hello!  It sounds as though your dog might be dehydrated, or may benefit from IV fluids (into the vein) and / or an antisickness injection to stop them losing body-fluid through vomit.  It may be possible that your practise cannot offer this for some reason or think its unnecessary - remember that I cannot see your dog and don't actually know what they need, or the vets' set up - but it would be a good idea to ask if thats the case.  Remember that I can't see your dog;  I'm just guessing what I'd be thinking about from the information I've got.  If a dog continues to vomit then their hydration status should be assessed again regularly because it can change extremely fast.    Please remember that if a dog has Parvovirus, they may need to be isolated from other dogs, so tell the veterinary receptionist before mingling in areas with other dogs and wash your hands / change your clothes / try not to stroke other dogs when you go in.  Some practices may have better facilities for Parvovirus nursing than others.  On the other hand, if the vet thinks that there is nothing more they can do, the choices may be between a (quick!) second opinion elsewhere - always tell them it may be Parvo in advance - and euthanasia.  I hope that something here helps.
November 01, 2022 at 01:22pm
Hello! I really appreciate your answer! Today at the morning she finally get her appetite back. I give her blended white rice with chicken breast every 2-3 hours. She enjoys it. Her mood is also better and is not that lethargic. I give her water every 1-2 hours. The veterinarian said they already did the treatment and she should recover eventually. My main concern now is she still have diahhria but not often only once a day but in big quantity. I check her for dehydration and seems hydrated or maybe a bit dehydrated. I can't find pedialyte in my country. Can I make electrolyte liquid in home? Also she's small she used to be 12 pounds she's now less I'm not sure how much to give to her. The main problem is the diahhria it's water like and smelly. I give her blended white rice with chicken breast every 2-3 hours and water every 1-2 hours she don't puke it and also haven't puked in almost 2 days. Should I continue feeding her with that? Should I make some electrolyte liquid at home? I've read about fasting and giving water from boiled white rice to help the diahhria should I do that or keep feeding her with blended white rice and chicken breast or should I get her medication? Also I'm not sure if the diahhria is caused only by the parvovirus. I didn't gived her anything against worms. It's possible that she have worms. Can I give her medication against worms now? Thank you for the help and support!
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
November 01, 2022 at 05:58pm
Hi - it sounds really positive if your vet thinks her hydration is on track.   Sometimes diarrhoea does outlast the vomiting.   Obviously if your pup hasn't been wormed they will need to be in order to help to protect your household's health as well as to treat a possible cause of diarrhoea; we would strongly recommend taking your vet or nurse's guidance on this so that the timing is right given her current condition, and so that the full range of worms are covered for your specific pet and area.  It can be startlingly difficult to assess this from looking at pet-shop products, especially with regard to what the specific patient needs, and the timing of doses.  I hope that this is of help.
November 02, 2022 at 12:23pm
Hello! Can I give her anti worms medication now or should wait? Is there any medication I can give to her for the diarrhea? She's small dog weights 5kg and 5 months old. She haven't puked in a few days but still have diarrhea . Should I give more hard food to her for example not to blend the white rice? Can you recommend me medication against the diarrhea I can get and medication against potential worms? Thank you!
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