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My Sick Kitten

Published on: March 18, 2024 • By: William · In Forum: Cats
March 18, 2024 at 03:20pm
I took in a kitten 5 months ago. His name is Joffrey. Two weeks ago, he started having difficulty walking, jumping, and holding his balance. Before that, there were ZERO symptoms. His doctor gave him an antibiotic two weeks ago, and steroid one week ago, and today, with no improvement, has suggested that I euthanize Joffrey.   Joffrey has trouble standing and walking. He also has some facial tics, and, even when he is being forced to relax and sit down, he never seems comfortable and often turns his head to the side in an unnatural way. There have been no major changes with his life, aside from catnip that I bought for the first time ever (for my other cat). I've had a flea collar on him since I took him in.   I don't want to put him to sleep, because he's not in any real pain (I think), and he's just five months old.   If anybody has any input, please respond. Thank you.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
March 19, 2024 at 09:29am
Hello - and I'm sorry that you and Joffrey find yourselves here.  What you do not mention, is what your vet thinks is wrong with Joffrey and on what grounds they want to put him to sleep.  Nor do I know whereabouts in the world you are - which may be relevant because kittens are very prone to inherited and infectious illnesses, which may have a bearing.  It sounds as though there is some kind of neurological disturbance and of course from here I don't have the information to reccommend or to advise against, euthanasia for this kitten.  However, what I can say is that Joffrey's pain level is not the only thing to consider;  if your vet does the best job they can, what can you expect Joffrey's quality of life to be like moving forward?  Is that a life that you want for him / he would choose for himself? This is a key question.  For many people, it may also be prudent to ascertain the financial and practical cost of your vet doing the best job that they possibly can.  This sounds horrible and mercinary however I phrase it, but in real life it is often a very necessary consideration. The only concrete thing that I can say is that sadly, your vet might turn out to be right.  However, you want to be sure.  It may be reasonable to get an in-person second opinion, if your vet thinks that that Joffrey can physically cope with that process. What I don't think would be reasonable would be to take a suffering kitten home and try to pretend that this isn't happening. My thoughts are with you both.    
April 16, 2024 at 05:47am
Joffrey’s sudden difficulty walking, jumping, and balance issues are concerning. The facial tics and discomfort you’ve noticed are also significant symptoms. Several conditions could cause these symptoms, including neurological issues, infections, or metabolic disorders. The use of catnip or the flea collar may or may not be related, but it’s essential to mention these changes to the vet. You’ve observed that Joffrey isn’t in significant pain, which is a positive sign. However, his discomfort and inability to relax are concerning. Consider Joffrey’s overall quality of life: Is he still enjoying activities? Is he eating and drinking normally? You can reach out to your veterinarian again and discuss Joffrey’s current state. Ask about further diagnostic tests (such as blood work, X-rays, or neurological exams) to pinpoint the issue. Your vet can guide you on whether euthanasia is the best course of action or if there are other options to explore.
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