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Need help asap

Published on: February 07, 2024 • By: beckyboo · In Forum: Dogs
February 07, 2024 at 10:47pm
Hello my dog has just turned 3 years old she is a mini daxie and she had her season in November. She has been experiencing a phantom pregnancy for the last week guarding toys etc and nesting. She usually gets this after every season. But this is the first time she has had this. It started 2 hours ago. She keeps leaking thick clear discharge in quite large amounts I am really worried But it’s 11pm here and I don’t know what to do. Is this dangerous I googled and it says they can die and I’m panicking please help I have attached a pic thank you F6567BA9-139C-40D5-B85C-FE2908DAC83D38CCF853-D9B5-4773-AE85-16E08BEA96E8
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
February 07, 2024 at 11:11pm
Hello.   You are right - female dogs can and do die from untreated pyometra.  This is especially true of 'closed' pyometra (ie infection builds up in the womb without being seen and doesn't leak out), but can happen with open (leaky) ones too.  However, the good news is that pyos are usually treatable.  Furthermore, that your dog hasn't been diagnosed with a pyometra at this stage.   There are multiple reasons for vulval / vaginal discharges; pyometra is just one of them.  The discharge is frequently coloured and / or smelly, but not always.  Other causes of discharge include a)  vaginitis b) the product of a normal reproductive cycle or even c) hormonal complications, d) urinary abnormalities including cystitis, e) foreign bodies in that area, f) pregnancy, g) infectious problems and h) more.   Therefore, a good next step would be to call your vets' emergency cover and ask for the case to be triaged.  That is, the act of speaking to a veterinary professional during which time they will ask structured questions in order to decide how urgently the case needs to be seen.  They will want to work out, for example, whether or not your pet might need to be physically assessed for a drip. Wishing you all the best in getting to the bottom of this change; please will you let us know what happens next?
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