Home Forums Puppies Peanut butter allergy?

Peanut butter allergy?

Published on: June 29, 2024 • By: gworcester · In Forum: Puppies
June 29, 2024 at 07:01pm
I have a 3 mo old Yorkie named Bo. Just today I decided to give him a little bit of peanut butter, I was using a Utensil and decided he could have a lick. Maybe 5 minutes later or less he started vomiting multiple times around the house. After a minute or so he stopped and seemed fine. He now is acting normal, no signs of distress and is playing and eating again. His vomit was yellow with no blood and he has not vomited again since. I am wondering if this is a sign of a peanut allergy. We have given him treats with peanut butter with no immediate reaction like this one. But he has vomited a few times on occasion which we originally chalked up to him eating too much kibble or not enough. Now I’m wondering if peanut butter was the cause. I did try to feed him preventative medicine the other day and ended up trying it with peanut butter, which he vomited that up immediately as well (which I thought was from the bitterness of the medication). Any thoughts? I do plan on getting him established with a vet and will bring this up with them, and keep an eye out for any concerning signs in the mean time.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 29, 2024 at 10:44pm
Hello - I think it would be an unusual allergy that causes vomiting (rather than skin or breathing signs), in a dog so young.  I was always taught that most allergies start above the age of six months, but not all patients read this particular textbook before getting ill so I wouldn't completely rule it out.  I also wondered about an intolerence to the food (ie not mediated by the immune system). Repeated vomiting after eating the same food does suggest that if nothing else, then the taste, texture or the high fat levels in peanut butter are making it hard to digest.  Your pup may associate the taste with the worming tablet too, which may have been an adverse event.  They might also have been experiencing unpleasant sensations such as gastric reflux.  and I might wonder about early pancreatitis (prone to flare up after fatty meals), liver disease or other underlying issues. Whatever's causing it, it sounds to be a good idea to cut out peanut butter in future.  After all, it is incredibly high in fat and therefore not particarly good for any Yorkie in the first place.  Another thing that you said was that not eating enough might cause the dog to be sick; this seems unlikely.  I wondered if it could rather be nausea that is making your pup eat less at times (and then some tasty peanut butter is offered, they forget themselves and snaffle it up and then they vomit).  Starting to record the pup's weight, the amount fed and the amount eaten may prove useful.  Meanwhile it's worth presenting this case to the vet - absolutely urgently if the puppy seems ill or lethergic or stops eating and drinking.  I hope that something here is useful.
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
June 29, 2024 at 10:48pm
My concern is that it only takes losing a relatively small amount of vomit to dehydrate a small dog.  Wishing you both all the best; please will you let me know how you get on?  Most vets have a helpline for triage (assessment of urgency) even out of hours if necessary.
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