Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
Hello - swelling in the throat can be concerning and your vet should examine this patient and help you to get to the bottom of it. Englarged thyroid glands can be felt in the necks of some individuals with hypothyroidism; other signs of hypothyroidism include 'slowing down,' apparent tiredness, coat changes and weight gain, so you are definitely on the right lines getting this assessed. Another possibility might be enlarged lymph nodes, for example in connection with inflammation in the oral cavity or cancers such as lymphoma. Dental disease, neurological changes, lipomas, foreign bodies might also be implicated. There is a syndrome (BOAS) by which some combination of an enlarged larynx, small nostrils, relatively small trachea and enlarged laryngeal-flaps can present together as restricted breathing. Finally, obesity can present as rolls in the neck area, but it is important not to assume this, even in overweight dogs, until other things have been ruled out. We hope that you get to the bottom of your lovely girl's changes; please will you let us know how you get on?