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post-spay questions

Published on: June 27, 2024 • By: Pips · In Forum: Kittens
June 27, 2024 at 10:30am
  HI. I am so sorry to write again and understand if it's excessive so absolutely understand if ignored. I am the one in South America.  The questions are at the end and numbered....- I don't know what context is helpful- but this is all irrelevant.  Due to the challenges, stress, moral dilemmas, and interactions with the kitten in the flat above ours, with presumed FIP,  I rented a house Monday morning, for a month. She is no longer suffering. As I struggle with the local culture, my local bestie has been taking my kitten to our vet. He took her on Monday with hopes of learning anything re: upstairs kitten's entire situation,  blood work, rapids FeLV/FIV tests to learn if any tests were needed for mine + when can she be spayed. I did not enjoy her first heat, which came earlier that expected. No bloodwork was deemed needed. V ita Schnitzel was spayed yesterday.  I had focused on the Tuesday move and did minimal googling re: setting up a room/what to expect- in pics. Yesterday, she was dropped off at 10am yesterday and picked up at 4pm.What happened was not within what I googled and I would be so grateful for any advice.  I had hoped for instructions. My friend did not have any instructions, but told me she was given a pill (unnamed). At 4:15 pm, my friend walked in with what looked like several crocodiles and sharks wrestling inside the softish/hard floored cat carrier. It was bonkers and not what I imagined. The thrashing continued for over an hour and was difficult to manage. My friend was told to let her out of the carrier. I did not feel it was wise but obliged. In the pic of the room set up, she fell from the mattress on the floor to the floor and also climbed up the bed. She peed in the box and drank/ate a bit last night- yay. Due to her mobility potential to mess up the surgrey, to me, . I opted for back in the carrier- she thrashed about for a few more hours- Since then she has insisted on sleeping on me and is no longer bonkers but makes weird sounds if I move an inch. I have not checked for bleeding and unclear if that would require a peek under the bandage type onesie. She had thrashed her cone off a few times, but we secured it.  My vet left a message to express to stay in the bag while thrashing- to avoid her harming herself. QUESTIONS- if you are familiar with this post-spay behavior, and there is no blood, but due to falls/jumpin'sh movements- 1. do you recommend any check ups  for post-spay thrashing and/or falls or is it a 'if no blood, all good' type thing? 2. My dog's incontinence (clear/odorless) is hard to predict. She walked on it / sat on it. It would be unrealistic to separate them without both being upset- any chance for thoughts on that? 3. I understand, clearly, that exercise/jumping should be limited/controlled for 14ish days. I have an active cat who does not like to be alone in a room. Other than time in cat carrier thingy (soft, and she often opts to go  in), do you have actual doable suggestions for limiting those actions beyond 'limit them'? Thanks so so so much if time for any of this!    
June 27, 2024 at 03:50pm
hi. she seems much better today- emotionally and physically. me too. However it is clear that my dog no longer recognizes her and sees her as something to bark at, minimally. I will try my best to keep them separated. i will brush up via youtube on where the thing she is meant to not lick at is and hope maybe we can try going coneless part of the day, supervised, always- in hopes maybe the cone can be as shortlived as possible- it is the aspect i feel is the issue for my dog- she is cone-ist. thanks, sorry.   any tips would be great. it is now working hours here and i sent the video to my vet an explained that she fell, that it as unclear what the plan was and expressed that if he feels there could be any injury to examine her any time. sorry. thanks. unsure if the video uploaded. i suck at tech. thanks. sorry
June 27, 2024 at 04:29pm
sorry. i don't think i can add a video of her wonky walking, as it's an22222211111but maybe that is expected. i just really expected a zonked out animal and that is not what i got. but here is the room set up and the fall from the mattress to the floor was not one from high heights, and she is tranquila today. i just have no concept of anything, but will maybe assume things are fine as she is no longer like animal from the muppets
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
July 06, 2024 at 10:21am
Hello - this is definitely one to be discussed directly with your vet.   1) Post spey thrashing can happen with some anaesthetic regeimes eg where ketamine has been used, or insufficient pain releif.  In an ideal world this would be controlled. I don't know what anaesthetic regeime your kitten had but your vets will be used to using it. We would reccommend calling them - having operated on your cat, there should be care and advice available to you regarding supervising the recovery.  2) I am unfamiliar with the urine-transmitted infectious diseases where you are.  Obviously it is always a good idea to keep animals and other animals urine separate.  Bathing would be ideal at this point but has to be weighed up against other factors eg stress.   Your vet will know about infectious diseases local to you, will have reccommendations about and what you need to look out for.  Please call them.  3) you could house the kitten separately for the time being, risking the stress to the other cat.  If she knows that her friend is there / has sight or smell, then the other cat may be less concerned.  These situations are often managdd with your vet on a 'play it by ear' basis.     4) Finally, i appreciate the bulleted questions that you have written here.  I wonder if it would help you to get the best out of your consultations with your vet to write bullet points down beforehand and address questions with your vet in the same way.
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