Home Forums Kittens Pre-surgery blood tests (screws for fractured tibia post-two cast failure)

Pre-surgery blood tests (screws for fractured tibia post-two cast failure)

Published on: August 18, 2024 • By: Pips · In Forum: Kittens
August 18, 2024 at 06:21pm
Hi. Sorry- I didnt know if it was better to add test results with question to two priory thread's re 8 month old vita who went missing for 36ish hours. First ever blood test, 3 prior unideal reactions to unknown anasthesia with a medically complex dog sister on multiple levels. I may have just diagnosed my dog with amyloidosis- unsure how I got there but vita was missing for that time (last week) in our small south american wirh many animals and who knows what. I trust our surgeon. My neighbor will translate the message as I'm not super sure whar was said and he will see him  tomorrow but I'm unclrae. Since being hacked I'm incapable of all things tech im sorry. FAL is on the pic but still Spanish sorry. Please know I'm not asking for anything diagnostic- but would love to learn if there are UK or other sources that you trust and from any personal experience . I'm sorry for typos. I will try to decide on some 3 max questions aftee my friend generously transcrjbes the audio. Thanks so much for any input- or well wishes! 2ndScreenshot_20240818-132925_(2)fal
August 18, 2024 at 06:25pm
Sorry- re that amylongword I mean that in me being an idiot and neurotics and lookimg for things tjat match kinda her life and then seeing if a dog can give it to a kitten sorry
August 18, 2024 at 08:03pm
And sorry- my original dog post plan, pee getting hacked was going to be about letting you know that if you had any vet friends who wanted any samples for the purposes of research or whatever, I would love it if her weird body and history and occiput that changes daily, PAH toxicity, funky whatever, could help science (I was googling things like how can dogs with xyz weird thing help science as I do feel very confident she is uniquely unique even if her body is full of took much chaos to learn anything from. These two articles are where I just found downloads live. The surgeon will do the surgery tomorrow which I find terrifyingly but maybe its cause of my ignorance and fear. I am fearing thr next two months but will run out in a half hour as yay for a setter to try to find a kennel/crate and ideally google image how otjers do it. So please know I know less than nothing- but these two pics came up on my 'possible pips' weirdness. If you have any feeling on the the pic instead of a crate- amazing and I'm so sorry for typos5Screenshot_20240818-154417Screenshot_20240818-154509Screenshot_20240818-023609
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 18, 2024 at 09:49pm
Hi Pips -  Wishing you all the best from here - your surgeons have much more information than me now, so I can only wish you all the best for tomorrow.   Remember than you can only do the best with what you have and what you know.   You know where we are.  
August 19, 2024 at 03:59pm
I keep forgetting where you are- somewhere without a shortage off felv vaccines. Among many other circumstances that would impacto a Kitten who gets lost for 36 hours (unintentional excursion- i didn't close the door as I thought I had when I let pip's out to poo). She has just had thr second vaccine a few days before when it was available- but a four month span between the two). My surgeon is wonderful and feels confident the issue is viral- like 2-3 week since exposure time. I know yiu also dont live where there is a 50% ish rate. Im sad. We decided to retest in a week as while the low whites dont impact his operation- the virus/immune system could impact what happens next re- the bones fusing. We just did the rapid test, though I get that 2-3 weeks may be too early. A new kind of terribleness I wasnt expecting. Sorry was just following up but I know none of this is a likely UK scenario - sorry 😞 but thank you so so much. I need to br more cognizant of the location differences- your time is so important and I feel bad taking it
August 23, 2024 at 02:38am
Please ignore as always if super misinformed.  Questions at the end. Irrelevamt context first but sorru as may be too irrelvant. I  contacted thr wonderful vet who I went to when my kitten was MIA to ask her if she remembered that date (hacked and clueless in south america). We Sussed it out- vita was gone from August 4-6. She also was rhe first to examine her post-return, thought oblique fracture that would likely require surgery (news to me- friend tookher then and I took her back later for the x -rays. She offered to look at the tests, felt possibly relates to upstairs kitten (recently deceased) and sje needs renal food). Surgeon informed me i would need a head vet, she offered, currently unclear. I am unclear on everything- as usual. Rapid serology tests came back negative but unsure if time between MIA amd test was sufficient (13 days). Blood from that draw was sent out for pcr and will Take 20 days and I hope time not a factor....................  Questions- the blood test in debate but objectively bad from what ive been told was last friday Vita has been given anasthesia 3 times- June (castration), August 6 ( first cast) and August 13 (second cast).  I believe her reactions to them can accurately be referred to a adverse. I read that it' possible that anesthesia within two weeks could impact some blood results. The blood test was last friday, the 16th.   She has been injected and. Pulled quite a bit. Wondering if you feel it could be wise to encourage one of t he vets to try to learn what anasthesia was used and/ or drug names/dates vs agitating to them as irrelevant (based on your vast knowledge and experience). Still aiming for minimal being annoying but I'm not able to learn that info.  Totally understand and love well wishes but always grateful for 'good vs annoying question' thoughts and thanks so much !!! So not Fe lv virus stuff but stuff I think maybe relevantish anywhere.  Thanks again- understand if off base- trying to think of good things to offer_ask (I need to create any medical records and there are major gaps in cant fill even though she is a wee one
August 23, 2024 at 02:48am
Sorry- i want to be clear I'm a total idiot and when I say 'i read' (anything), I didnt google how xyx coukd impact any result- I stopped when I saw anesthesia within two weeks could impact anything. I was thinking when I hopefully have a computer tomorrow I could attempt a time in a way that involves pics of dateless illegible meds and dates of anesthesia to present in nicely translates Spanish as at 8 months old it wouldnt be a novellas and my surgeon doesnt have anythinf like that (I understand nothing but dont want to waste his time thanks and. So sorry)
August 23, 2024 at 03:09am
Omg sorry- pilled a lot ( more injections than pills)- (not pulled).  It's already quite hairy- all of it          
Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS
August 23, 2024 at 10:04pm
Hiya Pips   No need to apologise.  I can hear that this is really stressful.  You must be very tired of going round in circles and I'm afraid that I am beginning to get confused.  Please would you answer these questions in a separate post:  1)  How old, what species, and name (you can make one up) is the animal under discussion?  2)  What exactly do you want to know?  3) What may be relevant that has happened so far? - I'll do what I can to read it from scratch and repost.   Thanks  Liz
August 24, 2024 at 03:42pm
Omg im so sorry- both threads below are me too. I just spent way too much time trying to understand 'uremia' on our test. They changed urea to uremia. Still no BUN here, not that I even get that. Vita schnitzel is almost 9 months- kitten. We are seeing our surgeon jn just over an hour. I dont even know how a cat pee test is done, was gonna hope for one, and also hope its not free catch style.   Sorry if this is dumb, but in your experience/knowledge, can anesthesia impact blood tests just a few days later? Of the three vets who have given it to her, one wont tell me what he used - but said total which = Injections + the inhalation kind (late june and very adverse reaction). I found out days later they gave her tramadol as a calming med (opposite effect). But that was a pill when they saw her behavior as she was waking up. I refer to it as four sharks in a bag. The second time was August 6 (she was missing from the 4-6), he injected her (no fast, right after x rays)- with these two)...sorry this seems critical so I won't mention drug names unless helpful, she was injected with two other drugs that morning that I believe may not be approved in the uk, then five other drugs (non anesthesia) but before, in July. This is non linear sorry. A few days before our blood test she got anesthesia again- a 'total', but I am doubtfully I will find out which. I know you are in a totally different place- im doing my best to timeline her life- was hopeful to learn if perhaps nothing vs anything could be important. Its her first blood test. I dont know anything. It seems like there are, totally understandable, different opinions about her test results. So because we live in such dkffeent places I know bacteria and virus stuff is super different. I think im asking if drugs and / or anesthesia are possibly relevant to our results-  but I dont think. I Will ever learn what was given otjer than both types on august 12. Im sorry - I am also very confused about who does what. This will likely make no sense sorry. I understand the tests are bad. I will ask our surgeon in 45 min what could be relevant as thr third total anesthesia was just a few days before draw and prior everything is messy. Sorry thanks. Sorry
August 24, 2024 at 03:51pm
Sorry- these are the bloods from August 16- uremia = urea . also thr days of many drugs were July 9 ans august 6 and its an oblique fracture with fragments. But I'm unsure wjat could be relevant sorry. So much has happened. And she's so young sorry Screenshot_20240824-104605_(1)
August 24, 2024 at 03:56pm
Sorry this one.too. i think Screenshot_20240823-170941_(1)we are doing redos.today . ugh or not . k think she ate somethjnf sorry
August 24, 2024 at 04:01pm
Sorry- Im still computer less and in cant text accurately. The plan was surgery thr days after these tests. That plan was not pursued based on them. We will do another x ray today. I won't write more sorry thankst
August 24, 2024 at 04:03pm
This was not a separate post. Ugh. I shohkd have a 💻 tonight and will type something clear sorru and kn new post sorry
August 24, 2024 at 04:29pm
Im sorry. I think its best to ignore this. If drugs matter j believe at least 3 are not approved in the uk.  Her felvs were 4 months aparte snd maybe this thread could.be deleted. It seems critical ish and I dont like that sorry
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