Hi my 6 month puppy accepts his paws to be manipulated, i can even clean them with a scott towel and water not problem.
I did apply musher s secret 2 or 3 times before. He was accepting it.
Now when the bottle is open and i put some on my finger, he licks it yes but he takes his paw back to him. I tried another paw , samething. He even sit back 6 inch away from me when i tried with another paw. So i stopped. I still have not purchased boots and i do not know if he will accept wearing boots. I am in a city so lot of salt on the sidewalk.
The product is called Musher's Secret Pet Paw Protection Wax, 1-Pound on amazon.
Do you know why he does not want that on his paws?
Is there an alternative product that he might accept? i think vaseline does not hydrate so im not sure we can consider it an alternative..